Bakugou - Kidnappings and nightmares

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A/n: Instead of Todoroki trying to grab Bakugou you do. I AM NOT A PROFFESSIONAL AND JUST DID WHAT HELPS ME WHEN I HAVE A PANIC ATTACK.

*TRIGGER WARNING: panic attack, as said earlier.*

Quirk: Angel- Do I really need to explain, c'mon people.

I squinted my eyes scanning through the trees for 1-b members. Todoroki, Bakugou and I walked in partial silence waiting for a jump scare to happen.

My wings twitched behind me, a small halo twirling through my fingers.

I took a deep breath immediately breaking into a coughing fit.

Todoroki and Bakugou turned to me, Bakugou annoyed Todoroki still stoic as ever.

I finished coughing.

"Is someone's quirk smoke based?" I panted still out of breath.

Bakugou scoffed, rolling his eyes, while Todoroki tapped his chin in thought.

"No, I don't believe so why?" He asked.

I opened my mouth, letting out another small cough.

"Just smell the air!"

They both took a sniff seeming a bit surprised.

"Let's keep moving it's probably nothing."

Time skip to fight with moonfish

We kept our attacks consistent. Every attack I made seemed to be deflected. I threw halo after halo, but still had to dodge multiple of his attacks, lowering the amount of halos I could produce. I grabbed Bakugou pulling him out of the way of another attack my wing being pierced.


"It's fine! Keep going!" I kept throwing halos managing to hit the crazed guy a few times before stumbling over to Bakugou again. My mind slipping in and out of consciousness.

"You fucking hurt your wing?! God, just cuz you're cute doesn't mean you're smart!"

My vision was beginning to cloud with more and more black dots as Bakugou said something I couldn't make out.

(The whole Coolio battle thing with dark shadow happens)

We made our way forwards. I walked beside Midoriya and Shoji keeping an eye out.

Uraraka and Tsu appeared.

I ran to a limping Uraraka helping her and Tsu.

"If we're supposed to be protecting Bakugou where is he?"

My head snapped to where he was supposed to be.

"What... Nononononono. Bakugou?! Bakugou?!" I screamed into the woods my heart pounding in my chest.

'Not here not now!' My thoughts were racing as we searched through the woods.

(We skip to the point of marbles, brought to you by Tony Stark the quirkless hero )

My hand desperately reached for the marble Bakugou resided in, his life resting in the fate of my actions.

Just as my fingertips grazed it, a purple scarred hand slapped mine away.

I fell to my knees, watching Bakugou sink into the portal whispering something to Deku.

I reached out desperately leaping for my last chance as it faded into a purple portal.

The portal closed, me falling to the ground once again.

My hand covered my mouth as I stared at the place the portal had just been.

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