Shinsou - Vice Rep.

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I hate to say you replace momo in this :( ***Shinsou has moved into the hero course AU**

Shinsou stared in slight horror as he watched 1-A talk before class.

The bakusuquad was holding back Bakugou from Midoriya who was simply asking Mina a question about her quirk. The rest of the Dekusquad was threatening Bakugou. The others were talking peacefully but being altogether too loud.

And it made Shinsou nervous. Really nervous.

He stepped into the classroom, immediately being swarmed by a few students congratulating him and trying to become his friend. He tried to back up but was only pulled back into the classroom by the class representative.

"Leave him alone." A voice threatened, the crowd froze running back to their respective friend groups with fear.

A girl walked in behind him, sighing as she glared at the rest of the students. She finally turned to him with an awkward laugh.

"Sorry about them, they can be overwhelming. I'm Y/n L/n, the Vice Representative, Iida is the main representative, but I keep him from doing things too strictly." She ran a hand through her hair.

"Here's my number, call me if you need anything. I'm basically the mom of the class, I make sure no one gets hurt. Speaking of getting hurt, I have to stop a fight, I'll be right back." She smiled at Shinsou.

She walked over to where Bakugou was yelling at Midoriya.

She grabbed both by the ear.

"If you two don't shut it right now, I'm making a few calls and there might be two more openings in the hero course, plus you might land yourself in the infirmary." Both of them froze nodding as she let them go, giving an amazing friendly smile and handshake and making their way to separate sides of the room.

Y/n walked back over to Shinsou.

"Sorry you had to see that, you'll probably have to watch me do that a lot though since them fighting is a usual thing around here. Anyways, I'll be the one who takes complaints, but they probably won't have anything done about them. Aizawa is your go-to man if you have a problem with another student, unless they're trying to bully you, then come to me and I'll make sure they have their shit rocked." She smiled again causing Shinsou's heart to beat a little faster, in almost a good way.

"Uh, thanks... I'll use this." He mumbled, waving the small piece of paper with her number on it.

"Kay! See ya." She waved, sitting down in her seat, she pulled out a headphone set, slipping it over her ears and pulling out a book, occasionally glancing around the room to make sure no fights had started.

Shinsou made his way to his own seat, pulling out his own book as he waited for Aizawa to enter the classroom.


Shinsou sighed as he laid down on the common room couch, small beads of sweat covering his forehead.

"Training with Aizawa again?" Y/n asked from the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee.

"First of all, how the hell did you know I train with Aizawa, second, it is midnight, what are you doing awake."

"Well, first of all, I'm a mind reader, what did you expect, and I'm an insomniac, no changing that."

Y/n L/n

QUIRK: TELEKENESIS, User can both read minds and use their mind to move and control things, suck as robots or animals, if the thing being controlled has a conscious that is strong enough to push their own conscious away they can not control them.

"Well, I guess we relate on insomnia."

"I kind of didn't have to read your mind for that one considering you always come to the common room at three AM to drink redbull."

"Hey, It gives me wings."

"Har har."


Shinsou flopped onto the couch, glancing over at Y/n who was sitting on the couch opposite of him, reading a book and sipping on coffee.

"What're you reading?" He asked, his eyes droopy.

Y/n looked up at him deadpan.

"(fav book)" She replied, continuing to read.


"Yes again, what you think you can stop me?"

"Yeah." He smirked, getting up and sitting down next to her, she tried to read his mind, glaring when he successfully pushed her out of his subconscious.

He laid his head in her lap his arms wrapping around her waist.

"That's not going to stop me from reading."

"Well damn that's the only idea I had." He spoke, muffled by her shirt.


Shinsou laid down on the couch, smiling as Y/n got off of the other one, walking over to his, she set her coffee and book down, laying on top of him as his arms wrapped around her.

"See, got you to stop reading."

"I willingly stopped, you weren't the reason."



Shinsou walked through the dorms, crossing through the common room silently as he made his way to the girl's side.

He opened a certain door, walking inside as he made eye contact with Y/n. She was laying in her bed, reading again.

"It is three in the morning, the hell do you want?"

Shinsou didn't respond, getting in the bed with her wrapping his arms and legs around her like a koala.

"Go to sleep." He whispered, planting a small kiss on the side of her forehead.

She rolled her eyes, sighing.


She placed the small bookmark on her page closing the book and setting it on the nightstand with her alarm clock.

She yawned, wrapping her own arms around the purple haired boy.

"I love you." He whispered.

"Love you too."

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