Bakugou - memories

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*Lots of fluff*

Quirk: crystal. User can create large ice shapes depending on their hydration, ice can be melted immediately if user so chooses. Drawback: dehydrated and needs to drink water and take special pills every few hours.

Bakugou huffed as he dragged the large bag of trash behind him, his mind wandering.

He began to walk back to the dorms his loud footsteps ringing throughout the street. His shoulder hit a passing man causing Bakugou to trip.

"Oi!?" He hissed, glaring.

The man was clearly intoxicated, slurring and mumbling to himself. He turned to Bakugou hissing like a cat. Bakugou scoffed, starting hos way back.

"You shouldn't ignore people who need help...!" The man slurred, causing Bakugou to pause.

"Hah?!" Bakugou was hit with a large green beam of light.

He hit the ground as Y/n rounded the corner.



Bakugou lay passed out on the common room couch, his eerily peaceful face worrying his classmates.

"So, what your saying, is this drunk man, shot him with his quirk?" Aizawa asked, rubbing his temples. Y/n nodded, glancing down at the blonde boy.

"And that's all you saw?" Aizawa questioned, pulling out his phone to text Principle Nezu.

"Uh hu-" Y/n was cut off by a groan and Bakugou shaking his head as he pushed himself off of the couch.

He opened his eyes, looking around at his classmates.

"Who are you guys?"

Everyone froze.


Y/n, looked around at her classmates raging and pestering Bakugou with questions.

She snapped her fingers, encasing everyone except Aizawa, Bakugou, and herself in a large ice cage.

"Sorry about them." She shyly apologized to the overly confused Bakugou.

"Do you know who I am?"

Bakugou pondered for a moment, his eyes lighting up with realization.

"Y/n L/n! You're the one I don't hate!" He answered, smiling.

"Wait, you said you DON'T hate me?" She asked, bewildered as Aizawa snorted in the distance.

"Yeah, there's a few names I remember...Uh, Deku... Kirishima, and Y/n. That's it."

Aizawa wandered over, with a doctor letting the new man check Bakugou out.

"Looks like it's going to last for about a week to three weeks." He concluded, waving goodbye.

"Oh no..." Aizawa and Y/n muttered."


Bakugou stared in horror at his palms as small explosions rang through the room.

"What's going on?!" He asked, seeming scared.

"Oh, that's just your quirk." Y/n explained, causing Bakugou to hesitantly nod.

She walked over to him, small droplets of water erupting from her palm and extinguishing his small fires.

"There." She whispered, sitting down next to him.

He stared at her calmly, his eyes wide.

"Do you always do that when I use my quirk?" He asked.

"Well, sometimes. If your explosions get too big, but if they're controlled you normally won't let me near you." She chuckled. His eyebrows furrowed, his head tilting to the side.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why what?" She responded confused.

"Why wouldn't I let you near me? You're really nice to me and really pretty too!" He stated, causing a large blush to rise on her cheeks.

"I-I uh, well, you're a really hard to reach person, in the sense that you push, well, everyone away."

She answered hesitantly.

"Oh..." he mumbled, he let out a small sigh, looking back up at her.

"I guess that's how I dealt with things." He whispered.

"Dealt with what? If I may ask." She questioned.

He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"My depression and anxiety." He answered simply, as if it were an everyday answer. She did a double take nearly falling off of the bed if it weren't for him catching her.

"Are you ok?" He asked, concerned.

"Bakugou why didn't you tell us?" She asked, utterly confused.

"I never told you? But I take anti depressants every morning? I remember that."

"You said they were your daily health vitamins!" She exclaimed, still shocked.

Bakugou snapped his fingers.

"Ah, I remember, I didn't want you to think I was weak I believe."

Y/n stared at him for a moment. Taking in his peaceful expression.

"I'm so sorry..."

Bakugou shrugged.

"I've been taking them since I was like four."



Bakugou makes eyes fluttered open. His arms tightening around the object he was hugging.

'Wait what.' He thought you himself, slowly lifting himself up.

He looked down to see a slightly drooling y/n, asleep next to him. She had her own arms wrapped around his waist, her face buried in his stomach.

He smiled to himself, before remembering almost everything.

"Shit." He mumbled to himself. He sighed, resting a gentle hand on her head, weakly playing with her hair.

"Bakugou...?" She whispered, rising to look him in the eyes.

"Morning shit face."

"Ah there he is. Cmon get up you need to take your pills." Bakugou nodded, freezing as he processed her words.

"Shit. Did I tell you about those!?" He hissed. She shushed him, pointing at the alarm clock beside his bed.

He rolled his eyes.

"Well? Did I?!" He snapped, although more quietly.

"Yea, But. I haven't told anyone nor will I." (Not a typo just reread it.)

Bakugou nervously ran a hand through his hair, sighing.

"Don't, and I mean DONT, tell ANYONE."

"Okay! Okay. Just one more thing though, I did it know you thought I was pretty?"

"Oh shut up!"

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