Bakugou - dance with me *SD*

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The king sighed as he set down another stack of papers standing up from his desk to pull a book off of the shelf.

"Your majesty, may I come in." His guard asked.

"Permission to enter." The king responded, glancing up at his guard.

"Yes Y/n?" He spoke. She bowed first staying in her permissions.

"The ball will be starting soon, you have been requested by the northern king to be there early for discussion."

"That damn northern king deku."

"His name is Midoriya sire."

"Yeah yeah, I know his 'name'." He sighed again, sitting down in his seat.

"Tell them I will be there in half an hour, and come back immediately."

"Yes sir." Y/n nodded, thinking to herself as to what he needed her for.

She informed the messengers, returning back to the king's quarters.


She pushed open the door, freezing as she saw multiple maids standing excitedly waiting for her.


"Get in the chair." Bakugou smirked.

Y/n hesitantly complied, sitting down in the chair as maids began to work on her hair, adding slight makeup.

"I-I don't understand why this is necessary."

"You're my right hand. You should be well prepared for a ball." Bakugou teased.

"Ma'am if you would come with us we can assist you with your dress."

"My what." She hissed back at the maid, causing the girl to flinch.

"Y/n stand down and go with them, you must look your best." Bakugou smirked again, sending the maids off with his guard.

His own maids entered handing him his clothes as he once again dismissed them.

He changed easily, smiling to himself as he saw the elegance of his regal suit.

He walked out into the hallway, turning to see Y/n being pushed into the hall as well.

She was dressed in a maroon dress with gold patterning, something she could easily maneuver in, yet still look magnificent.

Bakugou snickered, offering his arm for her to take.

She grumbled to herself, clearly missing her armor already. They entered the already brimming ballroom, making their way towards the northern king.

The were cut off by a king from a different nation.

"Ah! Bakugou." The man heartily laughed, Bakugou lightly groaned.

"Who is this? A concubine?" Bakugou's eyes narrowed quickly.

"This is my guard, if you treat her as a concubine you will be treated as a rogue and will be removed from my country immediately." The man seemed taken aback, quietly apologizing before leaving.

They finally found the northern king making light conversation about the monarchy.

The king bid them a-dew, leaving with a few of his own guards before nightfall.

Bakugou sat down in his throne, glancing over as Y/n stiffly stood next to him.

"Would it kill you to relax?" He whispered.

"It wouldn't necessarily kill me, it's your life on the line here." she responded, scanning the room for threats.

"I personally couldn't care less. Come on, dance with me."

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