Bakugou - quick kisses *sd*

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Training camp (except without the usual angst)

Bakugou rolled his eyes as his friends crowded around him, coaxing him into lighting the stove.

A singular voice stood out to him in the small crowd. The voice of Y/n.

"I can give you a kiss for it."

Bakugou immedietly reached his hand out to light the fire, his friends cheering, oblivious to the girl's comment.

"This is so beneath me."

Bakugou stood up walking away with Y/n.

"That was nice of you!"

"Yeah Yeah now wheres my kiss."

"Oh! Right." She reminded herself, leaning into him to lightly peck his lips.


"That wasn't a kiss dumbass." Bakugou hissed back, leaning foward and bringing her into a real kiss, his arms wrapped around her waist as hers wrapped around his shoulders.

Y/n chuckled as they pulled away.

"You're cute, you know that?" Bakugou whispered.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima's voice called, causing the pair to split quickly.

"Bro, come help cook!" Bakugou rolled his eyes as his friend dragged him away, Y/n trailing behind them. She watched in awe as Bakugou easily cut up potatoes, his hands working quickly as Uraraka commented.

"Oh Shut up Round Face!" Bakugou proceeded to yell at the other girl, his pace speeding up significantly.

Y/n smiled walking over to them.

"Okay Uraraka, let's leave Kat alone so he doesn't stab someone." Y/n laughed, gently nudging Uraraka away. The space girl shrugged, walking off.

Y/n turned to Bakugou.

"Did you really have to yell at her like that?"

"She was being annoying!"

"And you're always annoying."


Y/n huffed as Bakugou continued to yell, attracting some attention from their classmates. By then, he had stopped cutting and set the knife down, instead small expolsions erupting from his palms.

Y/n stepped closer to him her hand grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss, shutting him up pretty quickly.

Bakugou froze for a second, before relaxing into the kiss, his hands coming to rest on Y/n's waist.


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