Bakugou - bathroom light

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I have never seen American horror story so this might not be COMPLETLEY accurate, but I tried.

Requested by Thotsukki

Aizawa's gravely voice echoed throughout the quiet classroom, occasionally another voice would speak but it seemed as if Aizawa was the only one listening and engaging.

Bakugou glanced around the classroom as he looked for the only person missing.


"Where in the hell is she?" He mumbled under his breath as Aizawa taught the class.

Bakugou's hand shot up, catching Aizawa's attention.

"Yes Bakugou?"

"Where's L/n."

"Oh... I actually don't know, Bakugou you are dismissed to go check on her, if anything is wrong press the emergency button in the common room." Bakugou nodded at Aizawa's instructions, getting up from his room as he somewhat rushed to the dorms.

He felt it in his bones that something was wrong.

As Bakugou neared the dorms, he glanced up at the balcony of Y/n's dorm.

He noticed that only her bathroom light was on. His pace turned to a sprint as he ran through the dorm doors and up the stairs, not wasting his time on the elevator.

He ran down the hallway, nearly crashing into the door, he knocked, panic rising in his chest when there was no answer. He checked the doorknob his chest heaving as his mind raced with thoughts of what could have happened.

He took a step back from the door, aiming his shoulder at the middle.

As his shoulder hit the door it burst open causing him to stumble as he made his way to the bathroom.

Y/n's face clearly showed terror as she sat on the floor of her bathroom, her back against the wall. Bakugou's eyes scanned the room, spotting a nearly empty pill bottle on the counter.

"Throw it up."

"I'm not going to-"

Bakugou easily lifted Y/n off of the ground walking over to the toilet and staring into, seemingly, her soul.

"Throw. It. Up." Bakugou hissed. Y/n hesitantly nodded, leaning over the toilet.

Bakugou didn't flinch, not once, even when that awful smelling fluid ripped through  her throat and into the toilet.

Bakugou stood up letting go of Y/n's arm as he reached over to her counter, grabbing the pill bottle and a towel, handing the towel to her.

"This? Yeah, this, is never happening again."


Bakugou carried a passed out Y/n as he waited for the elevator to open, stepping through the door as he made his way to the kitchen.

He set her down on the couch, letting out a breath as her head flopped onto the side rest of the couch. He walked away from her and over to the side table next to the couch, pressing the button. He walked back to Y/n lifting her head off of the side rest and onto his lap.

Aizawa ran through the door not long after pausing as he saw Bakugou.

"What happened?" Aizawa asked, kneeling down in front of Bakugou.

The blonde held back his sobs as the reality of the situation hit him.

And it hit him hard.

Aizawa watched in shock as Bakugou covered his face with his free hand, his other weaved into Y/n's hair.

Bakugou's hand moved away from his face and to his pockets, pulling out the pill bottle.

"Did she... Did she throw them up?" Bakugou nodded, glancing down at Y/n's pale face.

"Alright, I'm going to call recovery girl and get her over here, until then, make sure if she stays alive, for all of our sake."


Bakugou watched as Recovery girl looked over a very dazed Y/n.

"She threw up enough of the pills to not be harmful, though she may need much more sleep and needs to be watched 24/7."

Aizawa sighed as Recovery girl left the dorm building, they had moved to Y/n's dorm after the students had come back from classes and they were all gathered in the common room in anticipation, waiting to find out what had happened to their highly valued classmate.

Bakugou sat down on Y/n's bed running a hand through her hair as her eyes fluttered open.

"huh?" She mumbled sitting up, suddenly, every memory of her day washed over her and she paled, avoiding eye contact with her teacher and her best friend.

"hi?" She spoke, breaking the silence.

"Why?" Aizawa spoke, bluntly asking for her reasoning. She sunk further into her blankets.

"uh, can I just tell Bakugou?"

"I suppose, but make it quick, I have to check your vitals." Aizawa sighed, giving her a reassuring look before slinking out the door to talk to the rest of the class.

Bakugou looked up at her expectantly, waiting for the words he so desperately needed to hear. Instead, a sob tumbled out of her mouth as her arms wrapped around herself.

Bakugou easily reached over, peeling her weak arms away from around her and replacing them with his own.

She cried into his shoulder for a good while, occasionally fisting his uniform shirt for support.

"I-I just couldn't-" She hiccupped.

Bakugou pulled her closer, laying down so her head was resting on his chest.

"I-I felt like... (real problem you're dealing with that might lead you to suicide. I love you bby. Also keep your head up Sam, you seem distant lately)"

Bakugou nodded his head in understanding.

"Just know, that whatever the hell that was, is never going to happen again as long as I have a say in it."

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