Midoriya - A kiss for each freckle (the most wholesome I've been all week)

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This is based off of the headcannon that Midoriya's face is COVERED IN FRECKLES.

Midoriya blushed as Y/n sat down next to him on the couch, greeting him with a wave and a large smile her ears twitching as more and more members of 1-A filed into the common room, either sitting on the couches or on the floor, forming a circle.

Mina spoke up first.

"Alright! first annual truth or dare Tuesday of the year!" Todoroki silently suffered as Bakugou and Tokayami verbally groaned.

"This is most certainly not a mad banquet of darkness." The bird headed boy spoke, scratching his beak. Y/n laughed at his comment, causing Midoriya's blush to get worse.

"Y/n!" Mina called.

"Truth or dare?" She evilly hissed, her octave lowering as Y/n's face remained the same, unwavered by her best friend's 'intimidation tactics'.

"Dare." Everyone's eyes widened at the girls brave choice. Mina was caught off guard, thinking on her toes.

"Everyday for the rest of highschool you have to kiss a different one of Midoriya's freckles." Mina spurt, the do-able yet scary dare was almost too easy for Y/n to accept.

"Okay." She responded, quickly leaning over and kissing one of Midoriya's cheek freckles.

"One down, two years and 364 days to go." She smiled to herself.

Midoriya stiffened at the contact his eyes clouding as he began to overheat, covering his face in embarrassment.

Everyone laughed, except for Bakugou of course, he was fake gagging.


Midoriya's soft snores echoed through the common room as he laid on the couch, his hero notebook resting on his chest, open as his hand slowly inched it's way towards the edge of the couch.

Y/n walked into the common room, her arm reaching to turn off the lights, freezing as she saw Midoriya. (reference to my book, go check it out *SHAMLESS SELF PROMOTION*)

She softly smiled, tip-toeing over to him. She leaned down, face to face with him, she leaned forward gently kissing another one of his freckles.

"Two years and 148 days to go." She whispered, throwing a blanket over him.


Midoriya huffed as his hands clutched his knees, narrowing his eyes at Y/n as they sparred outside of the dorms. She tackled him, lifting her hand her claws popping out.

"And if I were a villain you would be dead." She smiled, getting up as she offered him a hand. He groaned in pain, grabbing her hand as she easily lifted him up.

She kept holding his hand pulling him forward as she kissed his cheek.

"Two years and 24 days to go." She smiled, Midoriya smiled too, leaning forward and kissing her nose. She giggled, scrunching up her face as her ears twitched.


Midoriya yawned as he walked through the dorms, slowly blinking as he came to a stop in front of a certain door. He opened it, walking straight towards the bed and crashing into it dramatically.

Y/n walked out of the bathroom, laughing at Midoriya as he rolled over onto his back.

She walked over sitting down next to him as he forced himself to push his torso upright.

"Did All might make you do extra training?" She giggled leaning into him as his arms wrapped around her in a large warm hug.

He nodded, humming as he nuzzled his face into her hair.

She pulled away, leaning forward and kissing his face again.

One year and 327 days to go." She smiled. Midoriya's eyes softened, his arms wrapping around her again as he pushed her back onto the bed.

"Cuddle." He demanded wrapping around her like a koala.


Midoriya sat on the bed, his arms resting on Y/n's hips as she ruffled his hair. Her legs were resting next to his own hips, his legs resting next to her thighs, causing a maze of legs to appear beneath them.

She leaned forward kissing another freckle before moving down to his lips, pecking them as a light blush spread across his face.

"We graduated a few months ago... aren't you getting tired of that." Midoriya shyly spoke.

"Do you want me to stop?"


"There's your answer."


Midoriya smiled as he watched his wife stretch settling into their bed, getting ready for hibernation.

"One last kiss?" She begged, her arms stretching out for him.

He smiled, sitting down next to her on the bed, leaning down to peck her forehead. She weakly lifted her own head, kissing another freckle.

"I'm running out of freckles here." She whispered, her head falling back onto the pillow as her eyes closed, a large wave of sleep crashing over her.


Midoriya watched lovingly as his wife kissed the small freckles on their three year old's face, setting him down in his crib.

"I thought that was my thing?" He playfully teased.

"Oh hush, you can share." Y/n laughed, kissing his nose again.

"You still get them everyday."

"Six years, 342 days after the dare ended."

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