Todoroki - flower gardens

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"Listen kid, if you keep stealing flowers from my garden I'm going to tell the authorities." Aizawa threated as he stared at the two colored hair boy in front of him.

"Sorry sir, they're for-"

"Listen kid, it's for your girlfriend right? Well I wanna come meet her to make sure she's worth my perfectly groomed roses." Aizawa cut Todoroki off, the boy pursed his lips, before finally agreeing to let the man follow him.

Aizawa shoved his hands into his pockets following the shorter boy down the road as they neared a darker part of town.

"Kid where the hell are we going?" Aizawa mumbled.

"The graveyard." Todoroki answered simply, Aizawa almost froze.

"Oh shit." He followed Todoroki into the small graveyard stopping in front of one of the smaller graves.

"The flowers are actually for my mother, my girlfriend usually comes with me though."

"Who's your girlfriend?"

"You probably don't know her, but her name is Y/n."

"You mean Y/n L/n? Yeah I know her."


"Yeah she's the daughter of one of the (men/women/people) in my gardening class."

LOL Ya'll thought you were dead.

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