Actor AU Shota Aizawa - Interview

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*Warning mention of blood (Don't worry it's fake)*

Y/n cringed as her eyes grazed over Aizawa's sitting form.

Special effects makeup team had done well...

Almost too well.

Aizawa was sitting, there fake blood covering half of him.

He got up making his way over to the set and laying down as the "nomu" stood above him.

A pained expression made it's way onto his face, causing most of the stage crew to wince in sympathy, though he felt no real pain.

"And... Action!" She yelled cuing the start of the filming. The camera's moved in a cinematic way, their footage capturing his pain almost perfectly.

The characters said their lines before a loud 'cut' ended the scene.

You would think that Y/n L/n, famous actor of BNHA would be used to blood.

Nope. You thought wrong.

She in fact hates it. Especially on her Husband.

The casting crew had coincidentally cast Y/n as a U.A. teacher that would be hired in the newest season. (I haven't seen the movies yet. Don't @ me, I'm poor.)

"Babe, do you have any water?" Aizawa asked, walking over to said girl. She closed her eyes her head tilted down, she reached into her large bag, pulling out a water bottle and handing it to him.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just really scary seeing you in fake blood."

"Aw~ Are you worried about me~?" He teased. She scoffed punching his shoulder lightly.


She responded simply walking towards the other actors she needed to talk to.

"Midoriya. What's going on?"

She asked, following his gaze, landing on Todoroki and Bakugou wrestling on the floor. They were laughing, sure, but things were getting rough.

"Bakugou. Todoroki." She hissed causing both to freeze and scramble to their feet.

"Ooh! She pulled out her mom voice on you two! You dead!" Mina cheered from a few meters away at the snack table.

"What happened last time you two wrestled on set?"

"We knocked over one of the mountains..."

"And how long did that delay our release?"

"Three weeks..."

"Exactly. Do it again, and I'm getting Horikoshi to trade you for your stunt doubles."

"What?! NO?!"

"Then don't do it again! God, I swear, I loose three braincells every time I talk to you two."

A few other castmates burst into laughter as Bakugou and Todoroki pouted, Y/n standing in front of them her hands on her hips.

"Babe. Give 'em a break they were just having fun."

"Yeah, Listen to dad!"

"Dad has a point!"

Y/n sighed.

Yes, the cast members called her mom and Aizawa dad.

"Look guys. Just, be more careful or something..." She breathed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Yay! Let's take this shit outside so we have more room!" Bakugou suggested, gaining a loud groan from Y/n.


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