Todoroki- roses pt.1

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Quirk: angel (with a different costume this time.)

Y/n nervously played with her hair as she walked into the classroom, she kept her head low, wings folded tightly behind her back.

Momo gave her a weird looks only receiving a shrug in return. Uraraka passed a note, only receiving an 'I'm fine' note back.

Bakugou tapped on her shoulder, scowling when she ignored him.

Todoroki asked her after class, getting a simple 'don't worry I'm okay!' in return.

"Alright what the hell is going on with her?!"

"We have no idea Kacchan!"

"She wouldn't even talk to me when I asked her if she was okay!"

"This is not a rad banquet of darkness."

"Am I right!?"

"We need to figure something out."

"What do you think Todoroki?"

The boy pondered for a moment. She had been avoiding everyone and hadn't flown anywhere in months.

"Maybe she hurt her wing?"

"That would make sense, but we probably would have seen it, during training or something..."

"Maybe she cut it on accident when she went to the rose gardens with her family!"

"Maybe she rolled over in her sleep?"

"Unlikely, her body has probably gotten used to  them being there."

"Maybe she got them groomed recently?"

"No she does it herself since she doesn't trust vets or groomers."

"How do you even known this stuff Todoroki?"

"She sometimes talks about when we're studying together."

"You two study together?"

"She studies with me every Wednesday?"


"I guess we never noticed. You're both so quiet.."


"Either way we need dot find out what's wrong."

"Everyone sit down." Aizawa barked walking into the common room.

"What's up with L/n."

"Even you don't know!?"


Bakugou scanned his classmate, looking for any sign of something wrong.

Her wing fluttered in the wind lifting a bit. He caught a glimpse of red on the underside, but it was so fast he couldn't see what it was.

"Please don't tell me that's blood..." he muttered, stretching before his match against her. The class had devised a plan (with the help of Aizawa), Bakugou was to force her into the air during their match with a large scale explosion.

"Bakugou! Hey! Go easy on me okay! I, uh, hurt my wing?" She asked, her words coming out as more of a question.

"No can do angel head. I'm gonna fuck your shit up."

She sweat dropped at his words, hesitantly nodding and walking away.
'Now I have to know what's under there."

He stepped into the ring, his eyes fixed on her lightly shaking figure. She gave a weak smile, getting into a fighting stance.

Bakugou was the first to leap, going straight for her wings. She quickly moved out of the way sending a halo his way, it wrapped itself around his leg, exploding.

"Dammit! That hurt you little-" he cut himself off with the planned attack.

Horror covered her eyes as she realised she had to fly into the air. She watched as the large explosion quickly made its way towards her.

"What are you doing move!?!?" Bakugou yelled, staggering. She snapped back, wincing as she quickly unfolded her wings and shot into the air, her gym uniform pants singing slightly.

Her vision blurred as she partially fell before catching herself and flipping to the ground. Bakugou and Todoroki ran towards her, rolling her into her back.

Her wings were almost covered in white and red roses. The thorns ripping at the feathers and skin on her back.

"Oh my god." Bakugou whispered.

Aizawa jogged over freezing as he saw the massive amount of flowers.

He quickly lifted her into his back running towards recovery girl, his class in tow.

Blood dropped onto the ground form her wings, slowly creating a trail that other students looked at in horror and confusion.

Aizawa burst into recovery girl's office laying the unconscious Y/n down on the bed.

Recovery girl gasped at the flowers, kissing the wing quickly, and watching as the blood dried up, the wounds closing but the flowers remaining.

"Please don't tell me..." Aizawa whispered.


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