Aizawa - dart necklaces

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QUIRK: Flame Dart

"Y/n wait! Please don't do it! We can help your family, the villains aren't the answer!" Aizawa yelled at the girl as she glanced at the large group of villains.

"We both know it's the only way Aizawa...." She whispered back, hesitantly walking through the UA gates as a large portal appeared in front of her.

"Until the day we meet again." She whispered, throwing something at Aizawa as she walked through the portal.

It was a small necklace with a singular dart attached to it.

Aizawa shook away the memory as he stared down at the necklace hiding beneath his scarf.

He looked back up at his students continuing the lesson.

"Alright which one of you can tell me what the four types of matter?" He asked tiredly, watching as a few students raised their hands.

He called on Momo.

"Gas, plasma, solids, and liquids."

"Very good-"


Aizawa nodded at his students as they all agreed to stay behind, (much to Bakugou's protest).

Aizawa ran out the front door, immediately tackling the first villain he saw, catching them off guard as their head hit the ground, going unconscious.

He got up, blocking a surprise attack from one of the other villains. He threw them to the ground, taking a deep breath as he pulled down his goggles. Choosing his next target.

He ran over to her planning to catch her off guard.

She turned just in time to block him pushing him back with a small arrow like object.

He threw it to the side, activating his own quirk as the rest of the arrows flying at him fell to the ground.

She tried to throw another one, growling lowly as she realized her quirk was rendered useless.

"You little-" She started running at Aizawa, raising her fist to punch him. He reacted quickly turning it back towards her as she dodged, reaching out and ripping the goggles off of his face.

She tried to run making it back to the empty field behind the school as Aizawa caught up to her. She threw a dart at him, his quirk fading as she tried to knock him to the ground.

He growled in response pushing her to the ground as she pulled him down with her. She looked up at him snarl fading as they made eye contact.

"Aizawa?" She whispered, watching as his own face faltered.

"Y/n..." He responded. She froze, stumbling to push words out of her mouth, failing miserably as he stared down at her in shock. Aizawa got up quickly staggering back a bit as she rose too, still panting from their fight.

"Is it really you?" He asked quietly, holding back tears.

"I'm not the same as in highschool but... yeah, it's me." She sighed flinching as he wrapped her in a hug. She finally cracked sobbing into his shoulder as he kept an eye out for other heroes or villains.

"You look... different." Aizawa breathed out, pulling away to look at her face.

She brought her hands to cover her face, embarrassed at how red she was. He gently pulled one hand away, staring into her (Caramel, chocolate brown, cloud grey, ocean blue, forest green) Eyes.

She had a slightly more sad look to her, large eyebags, nearly as bad as his own. She was struggling to keep her eyes open, much skinnier than before and more beaten and bruised, in too many places for it to be Aizawa's fault.


"They lied. They didn't heal my mother, they forced me to stay a villain even after she died because if not they would have to kill me and all I can say is you're right." She spoke quickly, barely stopping to breath as Aizawa took a moment to process.

"Come with me." He whispered, throwing his arm over her shoulder as they walked back around the building, they slipped past the other heroes and police dealing with the villains, entering the school.

They turned towards Nezu's office.

"He's gonna kill me Aizawa." Y/n froze, forcing Aizawa to push her into the large office, a small rat-mouse-bear thing sitting behind the desk, he looked up, smiling as he saw Y/n.

"Ah yes! You've returned!"

"What." Y/n deadpanned, surprised at his welcoming manner.

"Oh, I simply had Nighteye check out the situation after we detained someone from your villain circle. You will be put under witness protection and will be assisting Aizawa in his teaching ordeals during the day." Nezu stated simply handing her the folder for Aizawa's class.

"How long have you known." Aizawa snarled, stepping forward.

"A day or two."


Aizawa sighed, opening the door to his apartment.

"Hey." Y/n smiled from his couch.

He smiled softly, trudging over to flop down next to her.

She smiled, leaning against him as she played with his sleeve.

He subconsciously pulled the necklace out from his scarf fidgeting with it as he leaned against the back of the couch. Y/n's head lifted her body freezing as she saw the small dart attached to the string around his neck.

"You kept it?" She asked in awe, staring at the dart.

"Oh, yeah. I made sure I would never forget how much you mean to me. It used to twitch all the time while you were first gone... but then it stopped.. and I thought... I thought you died, but here we are I guess." He muttered. She reached up, her fingertips brushing against it as it nearly burst with color, turning back to the bright red it used to be.

"Now, every time I think of you, it will flutter or twitch." Aizawa smiled, as it began fluttering, brushing against his scarf every so often.

"You have no idea how much I missed the fluttering."

This was so bad please kill me

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