Dabi - best memories

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QUIRK: FLAME DART (see quirk list)

Kinda angsty but like, ends with a few jokes.

Dabi hissed at the multiple heroes trying to corner him, he took a split second to glance at his best friend.

Ricochet: The dart villain

He turned back to the fight sending a large blast of flames as his hands started bleeding, he winced, his eye twitching as the heroes relentlessly fought back.

Dabi almost burst into flames as he heard a thump behind him.

He knocked out the hero he was fighting, quickly turning to see Ricochet. She had never told anyone her real name, much like Dabi had.

She was bleeding out of her stomach and it wasn't stopping anytime soon.

I have to let the heroes take her.

"Ricochet, I have to let the heroes take you, we can't help you back at the league." He shakily explained, watching as she slowly nodded, her breathing struggled and almost stopped, a single drop of blood slipped off of his hand onto her cheek as he forced himself to let go of her.

She watched in pain as Dabi's tall figure ran away from her, looping around the corner as the heroes began to wake up.


Dabi kept his eyes on the prison hospital as Shigaraki hissed directions at the rest of the group behind him.

Dabi rolled his eyes as he grabbed the barbed wire, his hand bursting into flames as Shigaraki melted the cameras nearby.

Kurogiri followed closely behind Dabi as they made their way through the halls. Dabi's facial expression never changed until he stopped in front of the heavily armed door Ricochet rested behind.

She had been at the hospital for a few weeks, enough time to heal in the league's eyes. Dabi kicked in the door, his eye twitching as he saw a seemingly more injured Ricochet, laying on, not a bed, but a chair, a small IV bag hooked to her arm.

She smiled at the league members, watching as Dabi quickly made his way over to her, gently pulling the IV out of her arm as he lifted her body over his shoulders.

"I'm just gonna take a nap now that I'm safe." She smiled her eyes slowly closing as her body went limp.

"What the hell did they do to her." Shigaraki hissed as Dabi walked into the hospital.

Kurogiri opened a portal , watching closely for guards as Dabi and Shigaraki stepped through. Kurogiri closed the portal, ignoring the loud pleas of other inmates as he and Toga walked down the halls.


"Ricochet how are you MORE hurt than when I left you in the alley." Dabi hissed at her, trying to keep his anger on a low level.

"When the heroes woke up, they saw you had left me and they started kicking me and hitting my side to make it worse. They blamed it on the fight, but I was conscious enough to tell the nurse what really happened. The nurse in the ambulance was nice, she didn't care I was a villain, she thought everyone deserved peace." Ricochet started, coughing a bit as Dabi handed her a napkin for the blood.

"The nurse has the quirk of replaying the memories of anyone she touches. The heroes forced her to replay my worst ones." She sighed, shakily wiping away a few tears from her face, as Dabi tried to look away from her bruised body.

She sat on the couch, her head laying on a pillow as one of the newer league members patched her fresh wounds. She was laying in a sports bra and shorts, Kurogiri respectfully looking away as Shigaraki rolled his eyes at her indecency.

"What else?!" Dabi accidentally yelled.

"They gave me the wrong blood type before another nurse stopped them, she was nice too, gave me some water on Wednesday, they kicked her out of my ward because she gave me water though." Ricochet just kept going explaining the weeks of abuse and trauma.

Toga almost passed out Shigaraki left halfway through and Kurogiri couldn't stand to listen anymore. Dabi was the inky one left, staring down at her as his own past trauma popped into his head.

"Kinda wish that nurse was still here."


"Then I could relive my memories with Touya."

Dabi froze at the name coming out of her mouth, his eyes scanned her face his breathing becoming shakier as everything clicked in his head.

"Y/n?" He whispered softly as her head perked up.

"How do you know my name." She hissed, trying her hardest to stand up and stand against him.

She almost fell forward catching herself on his arm.


"Don't call me that.....She's dead."

Dabi sighed, lifting her back to her feet.

"So is Touya, but he still wishes he had never left you." Dabi whispered, lifting her into his arms as he carried her back to her room.

"I missed you so much." She shakily responded, leaning against his chest as he carried her down the hallway.

He set her down on the bed, his hand sliding into hers as she lay on her side.

He crouched down next to her bed, staring into her eyes.

"Your dad said you died."

"You should know not to trust my dad."

"Your brother turned out nicely."

"Which one ya doofus"

"Shoto and Natsuo both turned out well, but Endeavor is making sure Shoto becomes a hero since, Y'know, he was your replacement and all."

"Oh god..."

"Yeah, I still visit your sister when she gets off work, you should come sometime, when I'm finally healed that is."

"That would be nice."

"She misses you so much."

"I miss her too."

"I can't believe I became a villain to avenge you and you were just...already there."

"Yeah, guess I beat you to it huh?"

She snorted.

"Gimme a hug, but be gentle."

"That's what she said."

"Shut the hell up."

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