Midoriya - late arrival 🎄

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Suggested by: @Nanounet972

Male reader, as asked, though I may slip up, sorry

Midoriya sighed as he looked around at the many faces around him. He was at Momo's Christmas eve party, though the face he was looking for wasn't there.

He sniffled to himself, weaving through his classmates and friends to the balcony. He opened the large glass door, closing it behind him as he took a deep breath of the fresh air. He leaned against the banister, staring down at the snow covered ground beneath him.

His thoughts wandered back to the person he wished were here. He knew Y/n had a chance of not being there, but he still wasn't prepared to spend the night alone.

Before he knew it he watched his tears fall onto the banister and ground, a small puddle forming.

"Midoriya?" a voice called from behind him.

He quickly wiped his tears, turning to see the face of Y/n.

"Y-Y/n, d-didn't see you there!" He tried to play it off, avoiding looking at the face of the male before him.

"Are you crying?" Y/n asked, gently pulling Midoriya closer to him.

Midoriya broke down in his arms, hugging him tightly.

"I-I-I w-was just s-sad you weren't here..." He sobbed, occasionally getting cut off by small hiccups.

"Babe if you keep crying you're going to be sick!" Y/n pulled off his scarf wrapping it around Midoriya instead.

"I'm sorry I didn't show up sooner, my Mom held me back for a bit." Y/n soothed, running a hand through his Boyfriend's hair.

"I-It's okay, I just missed you." The green haired boy raised his head to look at his boyfriend, quickly pecking his cheek with a bright red blush.

Y/n chuckled, looking up at the mistletoe above them.

His gaze came back down to Midoriya, pushing the boy's hands away from covering his bright red face.

They leaned in kissing for a small bit before pulling away, Midoriya even brighter than before.


Todoroki and Uraraka watched from inside, sipping on hot cocoa and eating sugar cookies as they watched the exchange happen.

"You think they're gonna realize it was just a wreath and not a mistletoe?" Uraraka asked. Todoroki shook his head.

"Don't tell them, Midoriya might pass out from embarrassment."

"He looks pretty close already."

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