Shinsou - vanilla

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VAMPIRE AU***** light mention of blood but like. What else would you expect is a frickin vampire au-

Shinsou nervously paced his living room.

"Oh god, why did I forget she was coming over today? I'm gonna do something wrong and she's gonna figure it out!" He muttered to himself.

He glanced at the clock, realising he needed to make food to cover her scent. He stumbled to the kitchen, clumsily pulling down pans and ingredients blindly.

"Hitoshi...?" Y/n questioned as she walked through the doorway, setting down her bag and slipping off her shoes.

He fumbled, accidentally dropping one of the pans. He clambered to set everything down, as a large bag of flour fell causing flour to spread across his face and clothes.

She laughed, walking over and grabbing a cloth from one of his drawers, she wiped off his face, smiling at him.

"Hey Hitoshi."

"Hi..." she giggled again as he shyly whispered his greeting, trying to ignore the overwhelming scent of vanilla she emitted.

She began wiping down the counters, simultaneously helping him put away all of the ingredients he had taken out of his cabinets, he gave up on covering her scent, instead simply trying to ignore it.

"Is there something wrong? You're really jumpy lately." She asked, looking over at him as he flinched.

"See?" She finished motioning to his awkward behaviour.

"It's nothing really..."

"Cmon! I'm you're best friend! I swear if you told Denki before me i will beat your-"

"It's nothing! I promise, and if it was I would tell you first."

"You better! Or I will tell Aizawa you-"

"Please don't!"

"Fine." She huffed, wiping the last of the flour off of the counter.

Shinsou tried to take another breath to calm his anxiety, only inhaling the sweet vanilla and... Carmel? Scent.

'Oh god she was baking again...'

"Hey Hitoshi, I made some caramel and apple cakes before I came, do you want some?" She asked cheerfully pulling the boxed goods out of her backpack.

She leaned forward a bright smile adorning her features easily.

Shinsou almost went for it then and there.

"I-I uh, I'm good, no thanks!"

"But you love caramel cake? Are you sick? Oh my gosh are you? We need to get recovery girl down here to-"

"I'm not sick just... really hungry for something that loves vanilla..."

"Something? That sounds more like a someone!" She giggled, unknowingly.

He leaned forward his face mere inches from her own. Her breathe hitched, her mind circling with other cliche moments she could remember from the sappy romance movies she watched with-

'Oh right he's literally an inch away from me!'

Shinsou's sharp teeth almost begged to be released, the pain in his jaw growing.

"Hitosh-" she started being cut off by his hand covering her mouth. His predator instincts began kicking in as a new smell entered the picture.

"Lavender?" He whispered, he could only think of one person he knew of that smelled that strongly of lavender.

"Oh shit!" He hissed, stepping back as his mind regained control.

"What the hell just-"

"Look I know you really need answers and all, but can we maybe talk about this while I'm locked in like, a closet or something?" Shinsou asked, covering his nose and mouth desperately.

She hesitantly nodded, taking the key he handed her, he forced himself into the cramped closet of his guest room, sinking to the floor, the smell ever so slightly mellowed out by the smell of fresh linens and happy memories.

She locked the door, leaning her back against it.



"When were you turned."

"How did you know I was-"

"Cause I was too."

A long stretch of silence ensued as both intently listened for the other.

"Then why do you smell like a, uh, f-fresh bakery and lust wrapped in a neatly decorated package." He questioned. She giggled from the other side, the smell deteriorating quickly.

She unlocked the door, helping him stand up, she flashed a large smile, showing off her sharp teeth.

"I figured out how to shapeshift back, silly!"

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