Aizawa - New year new teachers.

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Class 2-A nervously walked past their first year classroom, making their way towards the other hallway, they pushed open the door, freezing as they saw the teacher.

"Hello class, I'm L/n. You will address me as such, here are your seats." She proceeded to go down the roll call list, pointing at each seat for each name.

"Alright, this year, we will be focusing on, not your quirks, but your physical strengths."

"Each of you will be taught differently."

"Bakugou, your first year teacher told me of your amazing skill, however, you rely on your quirk too much, this year you will be sparring with me everyday until you can beat me.

Ojirou, you will be allowed to use your quirk since it cannot be erased, same with you shoji, and you Jirou."

Y/n turned to the others.

"Why are we only focusing on physical strength you may ask? It's because not every villain has a quirk similar to yours, some can erase your quirks, or are immune to them. That's why I'm your teacher.

My name is Y/n L/n, I am quirkless."

The class froze, midoriya's head lifted in awe.

"Midoriya, you may only break ten bones throughout the entire year, otherwise, you will be expelled.

Mineta, if you so much as LOOK at one of the girls wrong, I will not hesitate to expel you, do not think I haven't looked over your criminal records, you are not fit for this class but your first year teacher thinks I should give you a chance.

Kamanari and Kirishima, you will be testing endurance and combat training.

The rest of you will be working on physical strength as well.

Head to gamma gym." She finished, pushing the button on her remote as their new hero costumes popped out of the wall.

She crossed her arms, watching stone-faced as the students ran to the locker rooms.

Aizawa watched as his former students ran away from the classroom, slightly smiling as he realized which teacher they had.

He entered the classroom shoving his hands into his pockets as he watched Y/n smirk leaning against the desk.

"You already expel yours?"

"Of course I did, they were all useless."

"Eh, that one kid with the red hair looked promising."

"His quirk was to manipulate skin into weird shapes."

"Fair point."

Aizawa followed the teacher out to the gym watching in great pride as they walked out, gawking at their new hero costumes.

"Alright shut it!" Y/n yelled, her voice projecting loudly, an echo bouncing off of the large walls.

"I have to say that Mic would be jealous of that yell." Aizawa whispered, nudging her side.

"Oh shut up." Y/n laughed, going back to being stone-faced immediately.

Everyone's costume had been altered in some way.

Except for Hagakure's.

"Alright, pair up and fight, except for you Bakugou, you're with me. Remember NO QUIRKS."

"Bakugou groaned, stepping forwards, a hand on his hip as his classmates ran off to spar.

"What are you waiting for, fight me." Y/n scoffed.

Bakugou swung with his left fist, his eyes widening when Y/n's hand grabbed his arm flipping his arm over her shoulder.

"First rule. No punches over the chest, they're too easy to catch, and you need to fix your form." Y/n spotted Mineta in the distance, snarling as he stared at Momo and Mina sparring.

"Bakugou, your training is over for the day, instead, go fight Mineta, Use your quirk." She nodded, watching as Bakugou excitedly ran over to Mineta tricking him into a match.

"You really don't like that one huh." Aizawa teased again.

"He has NO potential, what are you talking about."

"You thought the red head had potential."


Aizawa's arm slipped around her waist as she leaned against him, sighing softly.

"What's for dinner?" She asked. Aizawa hummed for a moment.

"What about soba?"

"Yeah that sounds nice-" Y/n was cut off by Momo and Mina dragging a very beaten up Mineta, Bakugou trailing behind, laughing harshly.

"Eh, give him to Nezu, he's expelled anyway."

"good call."

"and then there were nineteen."

"So, about that soba..."

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