Bakugou - cuddler *sd*

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Bakugou sighed as he sat on the common room couch, staring at the clock that said 2:10. Bakugou had stayed in the dorms sick, something he had caught from his mother during his weekend visit home.

He had a washcloth on his forehead and a heavy blanket thrown over him, courtesy of Yaoyorozu before she left, noticing his distressed state.

Bakugou closed his eyes, slipping into sleep before something, or someone, jumped onto his stomach.

They were light, and purring, so it had to be Aizawa's cat.

Bakugou opened one eye, glaring at the cat as he noticed it.

"I thought you were Aizawa's little shit. You're gonna get sick." Bakugou hissed, glaring down at the cat on his stomach, pawing at his shirt and laying down, mischievously staring up at him.

They meowed, causing Bakugou to roll his eyes.

"Don't talk back to me. You're a shapeshifter, and not to mention you have a weak stomach. Plus if someone sees you they're gonna get the wrong idea."

The cat huffed, hissing at him.

"Oi! Don't hiss at me!"

Suddenly a teenage girl appeared on top of him, much heavier than the cat, but still not crushing Bakugou.

"Well, you agreed to date me so who the fuck cares."

"Yeah, I did, I didn't agree to getting you sick."

"I don't mind being sick, you know that."

"Yeah, well I do, because I don't get to see you beat up Deku during training."

"That's just selfish."

"Yeah well, so are you for skipping and being here."

"Actually, I'm not skipping, Aizawa let us out early, the others just wanted to stay and chat so I ran ahead."

"Whatever ,c'mere."

Bakugou's arms flung around Y/n rolling her to the side so she was sandwiched between the back rest of the couch and Bakugou, leaning her head on his chest.

He sighed in distressed content, distressed she would be sick, but content with the fact that she was currently fine and dandy.


Midoriya walked through the common room doors Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, Tsu, and Mina following close behind.

The greenette paused as he saw his childhood friend on the couch, their arms and legs tangled with another person, who's face was hidden by the arm of the couch.

Mina noticed Midoriya's pause, following his gaze and also pausing as she saw the usual angry blonde.

"Who's with him." Todoroki inserted.

"No clue."

"Couldn't be Y/n she left earlier to go to the store." Iida cut in.

"She could have gotten back?"

"No we weren't gone for that long."

"Could she have lied?" Uraraka suggested, standing on her tippy-toes to get a better look.

"Possibly, they have been acting weird with each other lately."


Bakugou stirred, one eye opening to see the hair of the girl cuddled up with hi, he softly smiled, before falling back asleep, causing all of his classmates who were staring to freeze, and nearly pass out in shock.

"Did Bakugou just SMILE?!"

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