Dabi - Sparks that light a flame

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QUIRK: witch (looking at you Sam)

Touya Todoroki AU

Dabi stared at the girl sitting at the LOV's bar, teasing Shigaraki. She had wandered in by accident, injured and beaten by heroes after being mistaken for a villain.

Toga was the first to notice the strange girl, helping her up. The girl had shuffled through their cabinets pulling out ingredients quickly, still slightly clutching the large gash in her side. She had waved a hand and a small vile of liquid had appeared in a puff of smoke, she chugged it, sighing in relief as the wounds littered across her body glowed a bright F/c. Healing itself.

Dabi was amazed by her quirk and it's simplicity. What he would give to have a quirk that didn't affect him unless he wanted it to.

A small spark seemed to light inside of him as he watched her laugh.

"This isn't going to end well."


Dabi sighed as he pulled his hood down low, waiting in an alley. He flinched every time a sound echoed, only relaxing slightly as Y/n entered the alley with him.

"Alright what's the report for the week?" He asked bluntly.

"Wow, not even a 'hello', or 'how are you'? Jeez that's cold."

Dabi sighed again.

"Hey babes. How ya been." Y/n froze at Dabi's words, blinking as he mind processed the information.

"Uh, well, uh, the-the heroes have, uh, been planning, a, uh, attack on the last warehouse you guys were at, so don't go back anytime soon."

Dabi nodded, smirking at her new-found nervousness.

The second spark.

She fidgeted with her hands, occasionally rubbing the back of her neck as she stuttered out the rest of the info.

"Yeah that's it." She finished, finally taking a deep breath to calm down.

"Did me calling you babes really make you that flustered?" Dabi teased, poking her side, she squeaked.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Dabi laughed.

"You're ticklish? That's comedy GOLD." He laughed, slowly inching towards her, she put her hands up, reaching into her pocket to grab her floating potion.

"Don't." She hissed, a slight smile on her face.

"Everything okay back here?" A police officer asked, reaching for his tazer in his belt.

"Oh? Yeah, my boyfriend was just teasing me." Y/n nonchalantly explained with a large smile, pulling out her phone instead of the potion, Dabi froze.

She set it back in her pocket, keeping her hand therein case the cop advanced.

"You sure? He seems pretty suspicious?" The cop pressed, taking a step forward.

Dabi hesitated, glancing up at Y/n for confirmation.

She nodded, Dabi pushed her behind him, lifting his hand towards the officer, lighting up with flames.

"Well... He's dead." Dabi shrugged, pulling Y/n along as they quickly made their way back towards the bar.

They walked inside, shedding their heavy coats and masks (Stay safe and wear your mask kids) Shigaraki rolled his eyes.

"Why the hell are you back so early?" He hissed, scratching his neck. Y/n shrugged, following Dabi into the main room, flopping onto the couch as he went to grab a beer from Kurogiri.

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