3...Dabi - catch *sd*

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Mention of heights and falling


Dabi sighed as he stood on the edge of the roof of a skyscraper, surrounded by U.A. teachers and other heroes.

"It's over Dabi, you're surrounded, surrender." Aizawa hissed, stepping forward, his eyes glowing red.

"Well, guess here is where we part ways."

Dabi took another step towards the edge of the building, watching in satisfaction as the pro heroes around him got ready to catch.

A window on the lower floors of the building crashed, a winged villain flying out and circling the building.

"That's my ride, gotta go, catchya later."

Dabi took the final step his body whistling in the wind as he fell closer and closer to the ground, waiting for those oh so familiar arms to catch him.

He lifted his wrist to his face, pretending to check his watch comically as arms wrapped around him, pulling him high into the air and over the heads of pro heroes as they stared in anger and shock.

"See ya you bastards!" Dabi teased, giving them the bird as Y/n rolled her eyes above him.

"You're gonna die one day."

"Don't we all?"

"Oh shut it, you know what I mean."

"Do I?"

"I will drop you."

"Do it no balls."

Dabi's eyes widened as his girlfriend let go, watching as he reached out for her.

"OKAY! I'M SORRY!" He screamed, grumbling to himself as his girlfriend caught his outstretched hand.

"Jesus woman, do you want me dead?!"

"Eh, Maybe a little bit."

"Oh, Har Har bird brain."

"I will drop you."


"That's what I thought."

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