Todoroki - Seeing double (but not really)

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Todoroki growled as he stood in the middle of a room of children. This was not what he expected from a training exercise. He watched in terror as the kid ran around hitting things and people. A bunch of small kids were making fun of him for his small capsules for emergencies.


Todoroki watched with great care, as the kid flew down the slide at a speed Iida would be jealous of. A small kid came down a little too fast, speeding towards the ground. His arms reacted quickly catching the small child. He saw a faint glow from the kid, one eye brow lifting in confusion.

"Sorry mister, your going to have to deal with those guys."

Todoroki set the kid down, his eyes falling on six men that looked exactly like him with different colored hair.

"Uh, what the-"



"So, we figured out that this kids quirk is to multiply people, the duplicates feel amplified emotions and are aggressive at everything, so I suggest you don't take them anywhere except school. Do not take them home unless you want your father to train them too." Aizawa sighed, explaining how difficult this would be.

"Why can't we detain anger?" "If we detain him, he will feel your emotions that you feel at school. So if you are doing training he'll use his quirk and escape to help you. They'll be around for at least five days."

Todoroki sighed, thinking about what the clones might do he didn't want. His brain went through a few possibilities, before he thought of one that terrified him.

"Oh shit..." He muttered.

"Language Todoroki. What is it." Todoroki bit his lip thinking about what the clones might do.

'I'm able to hide my emotions but they would for sure bother her about it.'

"Todoroki?" Aizawa asked again.

"Well, uh, does love have to come?" Todoroki asked, hoping for a small second that it was a possibility.

"Yes, Love, sadness, anger, happiness, all of them have to be with you. Why?"

"well, love might be a problem. During class." Aizawa quirked a brow, thinking about all of the students Todoroki would 'love' in a sense.

"Is it l/n?" Aizawa asked bluntly. Todoroki faintly blushed, as he looked over all of the clones.

"Yeah, sorry." Aizawa smirked.

"Listen kid. These clones, all feel affection. Love is just amplified. So anger might just kill Bakugou if he gets too close to L/n."

"Oh, no."


Todoroki sighed looking at all of the boys following him.

Fear clung to him for dear life. Anger looked like Bakugou. Love was sighing to himself constantly, muttering about Y/n. Happiness was walking normally with a very bright smile. Disgust was gagging as people walked by, and Sadness looked like a sad puppy. All of the cones had half white hair, and half their color. Todoroki walked through the halls getting quite a few stares from multiple people in the halls.

He walked through the door, sitting in the extra row Aizawa had added for them.

Bakugou snickered, watching as all of the stupid looking Todoroki's walked in.

Love almost wandered off if it weren't for anger keeping him in line.

Todoroki was actually a bit thankful for anger. Anger kept love in line, made fear shut up, and kept the others moving.

Todoroki almost folded into himself when L/n walked in. She was laughing and giggling with her friends. All of the Todoroki's blushed, especially love.

Y/n looked around noticing all of the Todoroki's and tilting her head a bit.

Love went to get up, but was forcefully pulled back down by Anger.

"Which one is actual Todoroki."

"I am." Todoroki whispered, embarrassed to say the least.

"What in the hell happened?!"

"L/n first of all Language, second of all that's what we're about to explain here. Todoroki...s. Uh please get up here."

Todoroki got up followed by his small group. Love winked at Y/n. Leaving a very flustered Y/n and a smirking class.

"Listen up. Todoroki was hit by a quirk. He's right there, but he was separated into other emotions too.

This is anger, sadness, fear, happiness, disgust, and, uh. Hey Todoroki wanna explain what that one is."

Todoroki grit his teeth. Annoyed that even his teacher was in on the teasing.

"It's love." He whispered, causing L/n to go into a coughing fit and Bakugou to start laughing his ass off.

"Alright, alright. You guys can go sit down. Love, behave yourself." All of the clones blushed, sharing their emotions.


Todoroki took a deep breath as he watched anger knock love over the head. He was already tired and it was only lunch.

Todoroki turned to see Y/n, Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka and Tsu walking towards him. He turned back to his 'other' selves.

"Shut it." He demanded.

"Uh, Hey Todoroki Kun, we just wanted to meet your, uh, friends?" Midoriya asked.

Todoroki scoot over as best he could. Watching as his friends pulled up more chairs. Todoroki got stuck next to Y/n.

She shifted uncomfortably as Love flirted with her. Todoroki put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Love, talk to Midoriya or Iida for a bit." love rolled his eyes. Turning to Iida's boring conversation.

"Sorry about that. He uh, doesn't know how to control himself." Todoroki whispered. She giggled, causing all of the clones to blush.

"It's actually kind of comforting knowing you feel the same way." She whispered back.

"Oh, uh, well uh, this is awkward, but uh, when were you planning on telling me." He asked, ignoring the few stares from his friends.

"Well honestly never." Y/n replied. Todoroki watched as anger's left side lit up in fire.

"WHAT?!" Anger yelled causing Y/n to squeeze closer to Todoroki.

"Anger. No." Todoroki demanded. Anger scoffed sitting back down.

"I thought you had a crush on Momo." She whispered.

"Well that'll never be true."


Y/n giggled as she ran through the field of flowers. Todoroki trailing behind her.

It had been four years since the 'duplicating' incident.

Y/n picked a bunch of flowers from the ground, only choosing red and white ones.

He gave a small smile. This was one of the few days they took a break from hero work and went for a picnic.

He looked around at all of the colorful flowers, remembering how his emotions were the thing that changed everything, both literally and figuratively.

Y/n ran back over to him sticking a small white flower behind his ears. She snorted.

"I love you."

"I love you way more."

"No way!"

"Y/n, Love literally tried to kidnap you and Anger had to be put in a temporary coma because Bakugou looked at you."

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