Todoroki - Hair *sm*

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I really struggle with writing about Todo boi, cuz I REALLY see him as a brother figure, fuck, I don't know, here ya go, working on requests I promise

Quirk: doesn't really apply here

Headcannon that Todoroki makes a TON of noise when he's in deep sleep, rolling over, snoring, flying limbs? All night, you think of it, he does it

Todoroki sat down on Y/n's bed, running a hand through his hair nervously.

"What's up babe?" Y/n asked, setting down her ipad as she looked up at him, from her spot at the other end of the bed.

He sighed, leaning his head against the wall as he turned to face her.

"My father went through my room again." he whispered.

Y/n sighed in sympathy scooting closer to him as his arms slithered around her waist. ( I accidently wrote legs, I-)

"Did he throw away more pictures?" She whispered, tracing circles on the center of his chest to calm him down.

"Sadly yes, he didn't find any of us though, I remembered to put them in my school bag before I left on Saturday."

"That's good. We had to dig through the trash last time, and even then most of them were singed."

"I suppose we did get lucky this time." Todoroki smiled, staring down at her eyes. She made eye contact with him pecking his lips and pulling away as her eyes trailed to her hair.

"Hey, I know you're a hardass but can I play with your hair?" She whispered, Todoroki froze, not knowing how to react.

"Uh, I guess?" He responded, seeming to make it a question. She excitedly told him to lay down on his side. He softly smiled as she gently played with his hair, rubbing his scalp (this word makes me uncomfy)

He hummed, laying his head in her lap as his eyes closed peacefully. She smiled at him, sighing as he let a loud snore slip. She muffled a laugh, freezing when he moved over.

She smiled when he went still again.

"I love you babe..."

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