Aizawa - Must've been the wind

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*TRIGGER WARNINGS-Heavy mentions of ABUSE* Short songfic.

Y/n cowered in fear as her boyfriend stood over her. He threw a bottle near her head. Ignoring her loud pleas for him to stop. He scoffed stomping off to watch football. She stood up, her legs shaky from the bruises. A tear fell down her cheek, landing on her white shirt. She ran to her room slipping into a large sweater that covered her body.

A soft knock was heard and she hurried to zip up the sweater.


I heard glass shatter on the wall in the apartment above mine

Aizawa sat up in is bed, adrenaline coursing through him

But then I heard the voice of a girl and it sounded like she'd been crying

Aizawa got up, throwing his blankets back on the bed, and walking out the door.

He walked down the hallway, pushing the button on the elevator. He walked down to her door. Knocking gently.

She opened up and I asked about the things I'd been hearing. She said

"I think your ears are playing tricks on you."

Sweater zipped up to her chin

"Thanks for caring sir, that's of nice of you, but I have to go back in. Wish I could tell you about the noise but I didn't hear a thing."

She looked down at the floor, holding back her tears. He looked over her shoulder seeing a rather dirty man sleeping on a couch.

"Must have been the wind."

Aizawa nodded. Walking away the memories fresh in his mind.


So I was laying on the floor in my room, cold concrete on my back.

No, I just couldn't shake the feeling.

I didn't wanna intrude, and I knew that I didn't have all the facts.

But I just couldn't bare the thought of leaving' her

He knocked watching as she opened the door. He asked a few questions.

"I think your ears are playing tricks on you!"

Aizawa looked down noticing her shaky hands and trembly figure

"Thanks for caring sir, that's of nice of you, but I have to go back in."

She said glancing over her shoulder.

"Wish I could tell you about the noise but I didn't hear a thing."

She looked up at him, a fresh cut on her cheek and a bruise on her eye.

"Must have been the wind."

Aizawa took a second, before nodding and walking away.

Aim my boombox at the roof playing "Lean on Me"

Just so that she can lean on me.

And when she hears the words I hope she knows she'll be OK.

Aizawa turned at a knock, opening the door to find the girl. He let her in, conversing for a bit and making small talk. She began to tremble, as he took her hand.

"I promise I'm not playing tricks on you." He whispered making sure, she felt safe.

You're always welcome to come in

You could stay here for an hour or two, If you ever need a friend

We can talk about the noise when your ready, but till then."

"We'll say it must have been the wind."

"Must have been the wind."

"Must have been the wind."

"Must have been the wind."

"Must have been the wind."


Aizawa sighed in content as Y/n cuddled closer to him. It had been so long since he met her, but so much had changed.

"Must have been the wind."

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