Hawks - keyboard

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Keigo rolled over in the bed, the seemingly loud yet quiet sound of typing filling his ear. He groaned, his arms wrapping around the waist of his wife, Y/n, burying his face in her side as she sat upright in the bed, typing quickly.

"Babe." He whispered.

"Yeah." She responded, glancing down at him.

"It is four am, go the fuck to sleep."

"Well last time I checked, you have gotten into eight villain fights this week, it's Friday, and as your personal assistant and wife, I have massive amounts of paperwork to do. We'll just sleep in tomorrow."

"Just do it in the morning~" The man groaned opening one eye to look at her.

She rolled her eyes, turning back to her laptop sitting on her knees.

"Please." Keigo begged, lifting his head to rest on her arm. She smiled at him sympathetically.

"I can go to the living room?" She offered, one hand tangling with his hair as she got ready to move.

"No." He sternly responded, his grip on her waist tightening.

"Well then I don't know what you want me to do then." She laughed at him, returning to typing.

"Go the hell to sleep?"

"Do you want me to stay here or not." She threatened, raising an eyebrow.

"Fine." He whimpered, laying his head down on the pillow once again, his arms still wrapped around her.

She finished nearly an hour later, sighing in relief as she finally closed her laptop shimmying her way into a laying position. Keigo's arms instinctively adjusted to her movements, pulling her closer easily.

She chuckled to herself, her own arms slipping around him,


Y/n stretched, smiling down at her husband as he stayed asleep beside her.

She glanced at her alarm clock, shrugging and deciding to make breakfast.

She started to get out of the bed, being yanked back down by her husband.

"I'm not done cuddling." He hissed, pulling her closer once again.

"I suppose we still have time to cuddle." She teased, leaning against his chest.

"We have all the time in the world."

BNHA Oneshots and drabbles Volume -1-Where stories live. Discover now