Bakugou- panicking *crack chapter*

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*mention of panick attacks!!!!***

Small meme:

*bakugou having a panic attack*

Class 1-a (minus Y/n): 👁👄👁

Bakugou scoffed as he looked over at Uraraka, she smiled at him, waiting for Aizawa to say start. He stole a quick glance at Y/n, smirking as she gave him a thumbs up.

He got into a fighting stance.

He launched himself as Aizawa said go, Uraraka reaches for him, barely missing as he moved out of the way, exploding her back so she fell to the ground, she quickly got up, reaching for him, he turned, she grabbed his collar instead.

He froze, memories flashing in front of him.

She called his name.

He fell to the ground his breathing ragged and sharp. Y/n ran over, gently pulling his hands out of his hair. She rubbed his back, trying to get his breathing back to normal.

He calmed down a bit, his eyes still snapping back and forth over all of his classmates, she gives in front of him, cupping his cheeks and gently forcing him to look at her.

"You're ok, we're at school, not camp not the hideout not anywhere, but home."

Bakugou gulped trying to make his mouth less dry. She gestured to Iida who threw her a water bottle, she handed it to him, she pushed everyone away knowing he needed space, he gripped her hand tightly as he sipped on the water.

Everyone shared a confused look.

"Y/n Chan?"

She glances over at Bakugou, checking to make sure he was okay.

"What's up?"

Everyone gave Aizawa a questioning glance, though he seemed equally confused.

"Since when were you and Bakugou close?" Bakugou froze, his breathing started to shake again.

"Hey, hey, they just wanna know... it's okay, you don't have to tell them."

Bakugou gulped again, finally nodding for her to continue. She pondered, opting to give them the explanation later.

They sent Bakugou to recovery girl, everyone turning to Y/n for answers.

"L/n we really want you to tell us." Aizawa prompted, hoping to get a rather lengthy explanation.

She tapped her chin.

"Well, it all started in first grade."

"Wait... you're THAT Y/N!?!?" Midoriya yelled from the back, earning multiple shushes.

"Uh... well, Kacchan talked about you Twenty four seven. He only stopped when he found out I was quirkle- uh, different."

"Oh yeah, I remember him talking about about a Deku, and I've heard him call you that, but could never remember were I've heard it before."

The class once again pushed for more if the story.

"Okay okay don't interrupt me this time!

Me and Bakugou were best friends when we were younger, my mom was a model for his mother's company. Bakugou would always tag along to the photo shoots, and we would talk there. I found out he had anxiety in middle school, when right after a photo shoot, he started to have a panic attack because he was next in line to model for his mother.

I was somehow able to calm him down, and now I've been doing it ever since. He did have a major panic attack a while ago, and he's been taking meds ever since. His pride probably stopped him from telling you, but he said he was really relieved when he found out I was in his class, we went to different middle schools, but I never did tell him I was going to U.A. I guess."

Class 1-a: 👁👄👁

Also class 1-a: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 (cuz they think he's too PrIdFuL to be a depressed bitch-)

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