Kirishima - a dragon's promise

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*slight blood and fire so if your pyrophobia, you might wanna take a step back from my book :)*

Fantasy AU cuz I'm soft for all of them.

The dragon's wings flapped slower and slower as he lost consciousness. The large dragon fell from the sky with pain landing in a mass wood near a small cottage.

Y/n's head shot up from her potion as she heard the sound of multiple trees falling.

"The woodsmen again?!" She hissed, slamming open her front door.

Her jaw dropped as she saw the massive dragon sitting right in front of her house. She jogged towards it, gently rubbing her hand against his scales. He slightly opened his eyes, growling as he saw a human.

"hey, it's okay, I'm here to help, do you... do you have a human form?"

The dragon hesitated forcing itself to slightly stand as it morphed. So a large opening in the forest where the trees were crushed was left, a young man with bright red hair and scales was left, standing there.

He was struggling to stand, his hand gripping his side where blood soaked through his cloth jacket.

Y/n ran over to him, helping him stumble to the door, she laid him down in the guest bedroom. Starting to panic as he went unconscious again.

She ran back to her kitchen, pulling ingredients from her cabinets as fast as she could, easily crushing them together and pouring the mix into a cup, she quickly made her way back to the bedroom, gently shaking him. He allowed her to lift the cup to his lips drinking it but gagging slightly.

"Sorry it tastes so bad... It's the only healing potion I could make right now." She apologized, The man leaned his head back staying conscious for the moment.

Y/n reached over, gently feeling his forehead, he flinched at first, relaxing when she made no move to hurt him.

She removed her hand frowning, before she reached to his side and examined the wound.

"I'm going to go get some bandages, try to stay awake for me, okay?" The man nodded as best he could, his hand tightly grasping the sheets below him as the pain lessened.

She came back in the room, wrapping a bandage around his torso easily, before adding a small amount of red paste to the edge of the wound.

The pain from the wound subsided quickly, however fatigue crashed into him heavily.

"Are you tired." Y/n laughed watching as he nearly passed out again.

"Yes." He responded, with a slight chuckle.

"Sorry, healing potions definitely use up energy faster than other potions." Y/n explained, watching as he slowly fell asleep again.

She left the room, going back to the potion she was first working on.

She finished, tapping her chin before having an 'aha' moment. She walked over to her desk, writing a quick letter, asking for her older brother's help.

She released one of her messenger (animal of your choice), sending it to a nearby town to deliver the message.

She walked back into the house, hearing a small groan from the guest bedroom. She rushed in, watching as the man woke up, again, a seemingly normal thing for him.

"You've only been sleeping for ten minutes! Why are you awake?" She panicked, gently pushing him back onto the bed with her hand on his chest.

"I just couldn't sleep." He spoke with a small smile.

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