Bakugou - the sky never seemed dark *sd*

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Angst >:)


Bakugou sighed as he stared up at the large starry sky.

Bakugou! Throw me that whisk!" Y/n giggled, walking around the kitchen island as she picked up the bowl of cake batter.

Bakugou shook his head trying to push the memories away.

It was (Your b-day), the day she died and the day she turned seventeen.

"She had so much more life to live." Bakugou whispered to himself, pulling his knees to his chest.

"Bakugou! Wait up, the rest of the Bakusquad is going to get ice cream, want to come?"

Bakugou sighed again, deciding to let the memories flow, rather than push them away as usual.

Y/n ran up to Bakugou looping her arm through his.

"You should come study at my house! My (mom/dad/guardian) wants to meet you!"

Bakugou looked away, lightly blushing at their close contact.


Bakugou sniffed, wiping away a few tears as he looked down at the grass in front of him.

Y/n blocked a large attack from a villain with her quirk. She opened her eyes, turning to see Bakugou.

In seemingly slow motion, A villain ran towards Bakugou as his back was turned.

Y/n ran quickly jumping in front of the villain as a large shield encased them.

"What the-" Bakugou was cut of as Y/n struggled to stay awake, his eyebrows furrowed.

His eyes turned to her hand where she was holding her side.

Blood seeped through her gloves as she shook like a leaf.

"Y/n you have to let down your shield. I can protect us you have to let the shield down."

"Not until you're safe." She hissed back, she scanned the villains around them, watching in near terror as they crowded the large bubble.

"Bakugou, stay still."

Bakugou scoffed, freezing as she released a single side of the bubble letting herself out as she pushed the forcefield away.

Bakugou in it.

He watched, as the villains slowly approached her, drawing their weapons and activating their quirks.

Bakugou cut off the memory quickly, flashes of that horrible moment went through his head.

"Bakubro, we're going to see her grave and drop off flowers, wanna come?" Kirishima whispered as he stood next to said boy.

"Sure." Bakugou whispered back, wiping away his tears as he stood up.

"You really loved her, huh?"

Bakugou stayed silent for a moment.

"I guess I did."

Bakugou began walking away with Kirishima meeting up with the rest of the group.

Bakugou, move on, that's what I really want.

Bakugou flinched as the voice spoke in his head.

We both know I can't do that.

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