Bakugou - Girlfriend

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QUIRK: Witch (see quirk Idea chapter)

This is.... REALLY BAD ngl

Bakugou rolled his eyes as Kirishima and Mina teased him. They were sitting in a rather large coffee shop, with a few of their other classmates as they caught up.

"I bet you have a crush on that one boy from high school~" Mina teased. Bakugou scoffed.

"You can't be single forever Bakubro, it's not manly! We graduated a year ago!" Kirishima added.

"Bakugou, cmon, I'm sure there's at least ONE person in the world that would date you!" Sero comforted.

"I have a girlfriend!" Bakugou hissed, his friends froze as a few people sitting next to them in the café glared.

"You have a what now?" Todoroki deadpanned. Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"I said, I have a GIRLFRIEND." Bakugou hissed again. Mina's shock slowly turned into a large smile.

"CAN I MEET HER?!" She screamed, causing the people around them to wince.

"She's a little shy, but I guess." He mumbled, taking a bite of the *extra* cinnamonny coffee in his hand. Bakugou rolled his eyes as mina and Uraraka talked about the girl in question, pulling out his phone, he began texting her.


Bakugou <3

People are asking about you.


Oh, are they asking to meet me?

Bakugou <3

Yeah, the dipshits are curious.


Aww your friends care! But we'll have to talk later, I'm on patrol.

Bakugou <3

Fine, meet you at the corner of third, love you babe


Love you too!!


Bakugou stood up from his chair, earning a few weird looks from his friends.

"I have to go on patrol."

"but you said you had the day off?"

"Oh shut up Kirishima." Bakugou hissed, pushing open the door of the café, he took a deep breath of the fresh air outside, turning to walk towards his apartment as he pulled his headphones over his ears.

He froze as someone tapped his shoulder, he looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening as a large group of young schoolgirls stood in front of him.

"what?" eh sighed, staring at the one who tapped his shoulder.

"Can we get your auto graphs please?" She timidly spoke as a few of her friends giggled.

Bakugou shook his head, already feeling tired of this situation, he pulled out a pen as a few girls pulled out small notebooks, he almost wince as some of them had pictures of him on the covers.

"Oh god..." He whispered, signing a few as a few more girls joined the group also asking for pictures.

Bakugou rolled his eyes again.

"Fine." He spoke as a few girls squealed.

He flinched as a large thump was heard next to him. He turned smiling as his girlfriend and pro hero partner landed next to him.

"Hey babe." He said with a smirk, causing a few of the girl's faces to fall.

"Hey KatI came to see what was taking so long! Who are these cuties!" Y/n cheered, noticing Bakugou's uncomfort.

"Just some fans is all." He answered, his arm slipping around her waist.

A few of the girls, shrugged also asking for her autograph as others started to cry.

Y/n held back a laugh as Bakugou kissed her forehead, one of the girls started to sob as she walked away with her friends. (IM LAUGHING SO FUCKING HARD-)

Y/n giggled as she slipped her hand into Bakugou's walking with him down the sidewalk.

She made a wincing face as she spotted some Paparazi down the street, looking around for a good celebrity target.

"Whelp, gotta bounce, love you bye bye!" She blew him a kiss, as she pulled a potion out of her pocket, jumping on top of a dumpster easily as she climbed on top of the bookstore they were standing next to.

Bakugou snorted, sighing as he walked down the street again. He made it to his apartment, opening his door as he threw his wallet and keys on the counter, he stretched walking over to his bedroom as he reached for his hero costume hanging in his closet.

He slipped into it , grabbing the gauntlets and shoving them into his bag as he left his apartment. He made his way towards the agency, pushing open the doors as the secretary, winked at him, he rolled his eyes, walking over to the locker rooms as he put all of his stuff into his locker.

He walked out of the agency, glaring at the secretary as he made a small mental note to ignore her from now on.

He turned down an alley way, climbing the lady to reach the top of the building as he looked out he spotted Y/n headed towards third, smiling as he hopped down , using his explosions to soothe the fall.

He crossed the street running over to her as her face lit up.

"Babe!" She smiled, hugging him as he gently kissed her cheek.

They began walking down the alley way, whispering to each other as they talked about their day, Bakugou's hand slipped into hers as they walked down the paths of the city, their eyes scanning for villains as they continued patrol.

Bakugou yawned as he looked through a store window noticing the time.

"Babe, it's midnight." He snorted, Y/n yawned too, a sudden wave of sleepiness washing over her.

She nodded, waving as she turned to walk back to her apartment. She paused, thinking about it.

"We're on the north side of the city aren't we?"

"Yeah, and?"

"I live on the south side remember... can I crash at yours?"



"Fine, but only if you make breakfast tomorrow."


Bakugou stretches as he walked into the office of his agency he walked past the secretary, subconsciously following the side note he had made in his head.

He walked into his office, picking up the newspaper as he picked up the coffee his assistant had made him.

He nearly dropped it as he read the headline

Pro heroes Ground Zero and Potion Jumper caught showing PDA

Earlier yesterday evening Ground zero was saved from a crowd by partner Potion Jumper, she bid him goodbye with a blown kiss and was later seen holding hands while on patrol together.

"Oh shit-"

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