All might - the girls

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We're just going to pretend all might only spent like four years in America and isn't sixty :/

Thought I'd give you a break from the angst for a bit.

Takes place before U.A.

Quirk: Angel

Y/n stared down at the phone in front of her, a large smile spreading across her face as she read the message.

'Hey bitch! It's Mitsuki from highschool! Me and Inko found out you were in the area and wanted to see if you would meet up for lunch today?'


As Mitsuki gave her a place and time Y/n scrambled to get a shower, humming to herself as she quickly pulled a large sweater over her head, grabbing a small (bag/purse) to hold her wallet and keys.

She ran out the door towards the café Mituski had decided they would meet at.

As she reached the café, she laughed as she recognized it as the café they would go to after highschool.

"Guys!" She called to her old friends, smiling as the blonde and greenette turned to see her.

"Y/n!" They called in unison.

She sat down after giving them both hugs, Mitsuki spoke first.

"Girl! Oh my god! You look fabulous, when did you start working out?"

"Oh, since I started hero work..." Y/n sheepishly answered.

"You're a hero?!" Inko exclaimed in excitement.

"No! No, I just work with them a lot, and I'm a personal trainer."

"Oh, that makes much more sense. The Y/n I know would start crying before she could even touch a villain." Mitsuki joked, causing all of them to laugh.

As Y/n, Inko, and Mitsuki talked, Y/n saw two middle school boys walking towards them.

"Katsuki, Izuku! Meet our highschool friend, Y/n L/n!" Inko introduced. Y/n gave a wave and a large smile, causing both boys to blush and cough.

"It's nice to meet you Miss L/n!" Izuku smiled back.

"Oh please, call me Y/n."

Izuku tapped his chin as he stared at Y/n.

"Sorry kid, I'm a little old for you."

Katsuki burst out laughing as Izuku covered his face in embarrassment.

"NONO! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! I just thought I had seen you somewhere before!"

"Oh, I've been on TV a few times, I was in America around the time of All Might's debut. And seeing your overly priced All might t-shirt, I'd assume you would know me from then." Isuku's face went red again as Katsuki snickered in the background.

"Oh don't think you're off the hook too blondie, I see that limited edition All might keychain." Y/n teased, poking the blonde's side.

Katsuki glared at her as his mother laughed.

"Oh, Y/n I never asked, Is that a wedding ring?" Inko asked, pointing to the red bejeweled ring on Y/n's hand.

"Oh, yes-" Y/n started, being cut off by a large explosion near them.

Y/n's instincts took over as she covered the four people she was previously conversing with, her wings unfolding to shield them as a large piece of concrete hit her leg, popping her knee out of place.

She crumbled to the ground her wings still covering the other four as she turned to see the café that was previously calm.

There were a few people inside, all unconscious.

"Shit." She mumbled to herself, she stomped her foot on the ground, popping her knee back into place, before running into the café and picking up two of the unconscious people.

She ran back out, handing one to Katsuki and laying the other next to Inko.

"Check each person's pulse, I'll be bringing out more."

"You don't have a hero license!" Inko yelled, worrying for her friend, as she kneeled down to check the person's pulse.

"I'm not fighting anyone!" Y/n yelled back with a smirk, picking up three people this time, one laying over each arm and one carried by both wings.

As Y/n rescued each person inside people gathered around to watch.

She finally picked up the last person, freezing as a villain walked out of the back room of the café, holding a gun pointed at her.

"Don't move or I kill you."


"I see you saved all of the other café go-ers. What are you a hero?"


"Oh! I see, you're just the heroic type? yeah well good luck with that after I shoot you-"

The villain was knocked unconscious as a heavily muscled figure punched them in the back.

"Thanks All might..." Y/n smiled, carrying the person in her arms out to the front of the café.

"All might!" Voices called as he walked out of the store with Y/n.

"It was truly no problem Y/n, though I still think you could have handled it yourself."

"Probably, but we both know I don't have a heroes license."

"True." All might turned back to the hundreds of people gathered around them as paramedics made their way to the front, a few police walked past Y/n and All might to detain the villain.

"We're going to have to detain you too miss." One of the police officers spoke.

"Wait what?" y/n asked, backing away from the police officer.

"Ma'am I you resist arrest I have the right to use lethal force."

"Woah, woah woah." All might interrupted, stepping between Y/n and the police officer.

"Officer, I do believe there is a problem?"

"Of course there is, she fought a villain as a citizen and used her quirk unlawfully."

"Actually. I fought the villain, she simply saved the civilians, is it not her job as a bystander to help?"

"Well yes but-"

"Nope, we will be going now, thank you officer." All might hissed, gently pulling Y/n away from him by the hand.

Inko and Mitsuki ran to the dirt covered girl and All might, Katsuki and Izuku close behind.

Izuku, Inko, Katsuki and Mitsuki stared in shock as they saw Y/n and All might still holding hands.

"Is there a problem?" All might asked.

"Oh, they don't know yet. Guys, meet my husband!" Y/n smiled, lifting up her left hand to show her ring as All might did the same.

Inko panicked as Izuku passed out, and Mitsuki and Katsuki simply glanced between eachother and the pair in front of them.

"Well, we'll be going now," All might smiled widely as he took to the skies. Y/n waved at her friends before following him.

All might landed on a building, coughing as Y/n landed next to him with a sigh.

"Are you alright Toshi?" Y/n asked, watching as the muscular figure disappeared, replaced with an equally tall but much skinner man.

"I'm alright dear."

"Are you sure. You're getting weaker every day. You really need to find a successor so you can retire soon."

"I suppose you're right... But I just don't think that Mirio kid is... the one."

"You say that like you plan to marry him."

"We're already married, I wouldn't leave you for the world darling."

"Aww, sweet! Now let's go home so you can rest."

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