Bakugou - Dragon scales and castle banners *sd*

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Bakugou sighed as two of his best dragons crashed into the large field beneath the mountain, fighting over a large piece of cloth embroidered with a royal symbol.

He slid down the mountain, leaping off the rocks as he ran towards the pair.

One was a large male dragon, red, with large curved horns.

And the other was a slightly smaller female with dark grey scales, with seemingly tree-like horns.

They both froze as they saw their tribe leader.

The male let go of the cloth first, knowing he would loose in the end anyway,

He was also the first to change his form, turning into a halfling, a satchel wrapped around his waist full of herbs and plants.

"She started it!"

The other dragon growled in response changing into a halfling as well to defend herself.

"He tried to steal it from me! I got it first!" She screamed back.

"Both of you are losers, you're just lucky I don't kill you."

"Is it because you love her~" The male teased.

"Oh shut the hell up Kirishima." Bakugou snapped back.

The female smiled triumphantly.

"What did you bring back? Anything for the tribe Y/n?" Bakugou asked, walking over to her.

"Yeah Actually! I brought back some fabric that I got with the coins I found earlier, and I also got LOADS of bread!" She smirked in pride, handing the items to Bakugou.

"Thanks..." He whispered, staring at the large amount of bread.

"Did you really buy it?" He questioned, his eyes narrowing.

"Yes!" Y/n defended. Bakugou looked to Kirishima for confirmation slightly smiling as the red head confirmed.

"Alright, it's almost training time so be back at the tribe by sundown." Bakugou smiled. Watching as Kirishima nodded, turning back into a dragon and taking off.

He furrowed his eyebrows as Y/n didn't take off, simply making her way towards the edge of the mountain.

"You aren't going?"

"No I'm a little tired, sorry, Kirishima wore me out, he tried to use his rocks on me." She laughed.

Bakugou lowly growled.

"I thought I told you two to stop using your magic." Y/n giggled in response, taking Bakugou's hand as they sat down under a willow tree growing off the side of the mountain.

She leaned her head against his shoulder.

"we both know he likes using it too much to listen to that." She smiled, wrapping her wings around herself like a blanket.

"My mom is totally going to freak out when she sees us." Bakugou whispered.

"Yeah, but that's okay, right now I just really want to be with you."

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