Bakugou - Suit ties and sleepy friends

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A/n: Really sorry for the Bakugou spam. I'm thinking about making a separate book for him, while also posting them here. What do you think?

Bakugou froze when he saw his partner. L/n Y/n, the only person that could calm him down and make him feel like heaven was a person.

He turned back to his desk, sitting down with a thud.

"Hey, Bakugou! Me and the squad are going to study at Kamanari's tonight! You better be there since we're partners!" Y/n yelled running over to him.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever you say Sparks." He barked.

She laughed, waving as she ran to talk to the others.


Bakugou sighed as he knocked on her door. Kamanari answered dragging Bakugou inside. He sat down on the bed next to Y/n. Kamanari and Sero were sitting near the end of the bed, Mina and Kirishima were leaning against the wall opposite of them.

Y/n pulled out her laptop loading up a slideshow program.

"So would you rather do the art of heroes or the history of heroes?" She asked.

"I would prefer the (whichever one) but it's up to you." She finished.

"It's whatever you fucking decide." He responded.

They got to work, watching as the others gave up, playing video games.

Bakugou scoffed knowing they probably just didn't want to finish.

He took the laptop, letting her take a break.

She leaned over his shoulder to watch as he added a few special effects.

"Wow Bakugou you're really good..." She whispered, yawning. She rested her chin on his shoulder her eyes shutting.

He finished the project adding all of the credits he needed.

"Hey spark-" He cut himself off, noticing her peaceful state.

He rolled his eyes, chuckling a bit.

He closed the laptop sending himself the project. He set the laptop to the side.

He gently moved her head to rest on his thigh. Her light snores and deep breathing sending a shiver down his spine.

Kirishima looked over, holding back a laugh at Bakugou's situation. This caught the others attention, they paused their game, looking over and starting to laugh too.

"Bro I-" Kamari was cut off by a harsh glare.

He looked back down at the (H/c) haired girl, ignoring his friends.

"God sparks what did you do today."

"During training she fought Todoroki and he basically beat the shit out of her." Sero whispered.

"I'm gonna fucking murder him tomorrow." Bakugou hissed.

"Dude, chill, your overprotective boyfriend side is kicking in." Kirishima Laughed, immediately being shushed by Mina.

"Guys! Let them have their moment!" She growled causing the other boys to quiet down.

Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Guy's it's almost curfew we got to go." Sero whispered.

Bakugou nodded. shifting so he could pick Y/n up.

He carried her bridal style as Mina held the door open.

Bakugou made his way to Y/n's dorm, Mina tried the doorknob finding it locked.

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