Bakugou - Hidden *small drabble*

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*Kind of angsty, but ends in fluff, mentions of blood! Bakugou doubting himself physically hurts me*

Quirk: Angel.

Bakugou snarled as he threw another explosion her way. she flew up throwing a halo as the crowd watched in anticipation. Bakugou was growing angrier by the second.

"Just die already!" He yelled an even bigger explosion lighting up the arena. She flew higher, barely missing a fatal blow.

Y/n threw another halo at him, watching as it wrapped itself around his legs. He snapped it in half, causing her wings to falter and drop her lower to the ground.

Bakugou let out a war cry as an explosion hit her harshly, throwing her against the wall. A large snap was heard as midnight ran towards the unconscious girl.

She was quickly reeled away leaving Bakugou as the guilty winner. He was stiff, watching in absolute horror as his near dead classmate's blood seeped heavily through her gym uniform.

The crowds judgmental words rang through his ears.


'She's going to die!'

'this is your fault'

'How can someone like you be a hero'

'How can we let someone like that protect out city!"

He fell to his knees, panting and looking down at his hands before black consumed him.

Bakugou sat upright In his bed, looking around his dorm. His breathing was heavy sweat crackling in his palms. He ran to the bathroom, running his hands beneath cold water and splashing it on his face.

He looked up at the mirror, the horrible images flashing in front of his eyes.

He hadn't gotten any sleep since the sports festival. Nightmares of the fight lingering in his head, fresh as a new plant in a garden.

There was a knock on the door, he raised a brow carefully walking over to it and opening it.

Y/n stood there, looking up at him with worry filled eyes.

"Bakugou, it's three in the morning what are you doing up?"

He blinked, his breath hitching as she pulled at the turtleneck she was wearing.

"Why do you wanna know?" He whispered, not coming off as harshly as usual.

"I heard you from upstairs. You lit an explosion or something and I came to check on you." Bakugou almost broke down right there. He was still breathing heavily and his hands were still crackling.

"It's nothing go away-"

"No it's something and I want to help you. Please?" She begged, he closed his eyes, debating all of the possibilities.

"Fine." She was worried, he hadn't said anything rude or harsh yet.

He sat down on his bed, looking down at the floor. She slowly made her way over to him, kneeling down so they were eye level.

"Bakugou. What happened?" She whispered, resting a gentle hand on his leg.

He opened his mouth trying to answer, but a strangled sob replaced his words. She wrapped her arms around him, letting him cry into her shoulder.

He sobbed for a good ten minutes, worrying her even further. He soon became silent, his sniffles muffled in her turtleneck's heavy fabric. She rubbed his back, comforting him.

"Do you, maybe... wanna talk about it?"

He burrowed deeper into her embrace surprising her a bit. He gripped her shirt tightly, trying ot find something reassuring.

"Was it a nightmare?" She whispered.

He nodded, erupting a small sound of sympathy from the girl.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

He paused pulling away from her. He looked down at the floor, then back at her.

He took a shaky breath his arms still tightly wrapped around her.

"I, uh," He gulped,

"II have nightmares about the sports festival still." It had been quite a while since the sports festival, and yet he was still struggling?

"What... That was months ago! Why didn't you tell me, is this why you always wake up early?" She asked loudly.

He clamped a hand over her mouth, she shut up immediately, as they listened to the heavy footsteps of Aizawa in the halls.

The footsteps faded, Bakugou removing his hand.

"You nearly got us caught. And I didn't tell you because this would happen."

"Well what are they about?"

Bakugou looked away and out to the balcony, his hands beginning to crackle again.

Her wings fluttered, blowing a breeze at his hands so the explosions would stop.

She brought her hand to his face, turning him to see her again.

"Our fight?"

Bakugou closed his eyes, pursing his lips. A tear slipped down his cheek. She grabbed his hands forcing him to looks at her.

"It wasn't your fault."

"But it was, I was so damn angry that someone was stronger than me for once and I was just so desperate to prove myself and I ended up nearly killing you." He hissed, she flinched.

"Bakugou. It was not your fault, I am so much stronger because you taught me what was wrong!"

She grabbed his arm turning him around.

"Please just, let go of it, I forgive you, and I'm am so happy you told me about this." She whispered. He stared into her eyes, her determination radiating from her.

"Fine. But that doesn't mean I'll stop having those damn nightmares..."

"Then I'll be here to chase them away!"

"Tch, fucking cute as shit."

"Aw~ Thanks!"

"You weren't supposed to hear that!"

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