Shouta Aizawa - Dating

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A/N: In this you are a pro hero named Blaze, your quirk called flame dart. You are a helping teacher at U.A. and frequently teach when Aizawa opts to a nap.

This is before the provisional license exam. So students can't fight.

Flame Dart: The user can create small arrow like objects that are engulfed in flames. They are fast and controlled by the mind. They can be used as a dull stick or as an arrow and are very lethal. User is immune to their power. They can also create small fires. Body becomes burnt if quirk is used too much.

*Light cursing*

Hero costume is above. I don't know if the teachers live in the dorms or not but that's what's gonna happen here. Kinda long?

My hero costume swayed as I walked through the halls. I was on my way to 1-a's homeroom class.

I walked in the room and set my stuff down on my side of the desk.

I waved to Iida who was already here even though lunch had just ended. and started to prepare the lesson for the day.

The door opened as Aizawa walked in, I gave him a smile as he walked over to help me.

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa! How have you been?" I said cheerfully he sighed and gave me one of his 'looks' the students talked about so often.

"(L/N), I've told you to please, for the love of god, call me Aizawa." (remember Aizawa and Mr. Aizawa sound different in Japanese.)

I giggled and shook my head, fully intending on ignoring his request.

The students started to file in and gave us big smiled and half hearted waves.

I cleared my throat and they all shuffled to their seats bowing and sitting down.

I smiled.

"Alright kiddos, today we are going to be doing some extra hero training since we want to see how much progress you guys have made this year!" Some of the students groaned while others cheered.

I pushed the button and their hero costumes popped out of the wall. They grabbed their suits and ran off to change while Aizawa and I walked outside to the training grounds.

The students joined us and we paired them up for sparring. As we watched I got a sudden feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Somethings wrong." I whispered his head snapped to me.

"Are you sure." I nodded the feeling growing worse and worse.

Right as he opened his mouth to call the students to stop a loud explosion sounded behind us. Bakugou was standing right there who could-

We whipped around to come face to face with a very well known villain.


Quirk: Ice shards. Can make any size piece of ice under 30m. Can make the any shape or density.

Our eyes widened as we shoved some of the kids out of the way.

I aimed some of my darts at him but he created a large ice shard effectively blocking them.

"Ah~ Eraserhead and Blaze. Just who I wanted to see."

We took a few steps back. Todoroki had created an ice wall effectively keeping Bakugou, Kirishima and a few others from attacking.

I gulped. We were underground heroes that weren't so popular. People only recognized us from-


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