Bakugou - undercover *SD*

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I'm writing this bc I think I have Corona, and I'm getting tested tomorrow and writing is my only escape Luv u :) (if you see this sammie no the frick you didn't)

Quirk: Cassia clouds

Bakugou walked into the large ballroom tugging on the collar of his suit. He scanned the ballroom spotting his partner on the opposite side of the room, he smiled, watching as she stood off to the side.

Bakugou squinted as a man walked up to her, holding out his hand. Bakugou quickly started to make his way towards them, he nearly ran towards them as the man tried to convince Y/n to follow him.

Bakugou finally made it to the clearing, reaching out his arm and wrapping it around Y/n's waist.

"sorry, she's with me." Bakugou deadpanned, the man paused, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." He hissed to himself as he walked away.

Y/n let out a breath, leaning against Bakugou as he looked around for their target.

"Thanks for the save, I did not want to dance with him."

"Hmm. Why don't you dance with me instead then?" Bakugou beckoned, taking her hand.

"Oh I don't danc-" She was cut off as Bakugou pulled her into his chest swaying to the classical music the band was playing.

"Sure you do." Bakugou smirked. Y/n sighed, falling into the steps as she watched their target over Bakugou's shoulder.

"We should do this more often." Bakugou whispered, dipping her as her leg lifted.

"We both know Aizawa is going to kill us after this mission."

"He sent us on a mock mission he should have expected us to take it seriously." Bakugou snickered, lifting her back to her feet.

She nodded, watching as Sero, their mock target, laughed at them.

Bakugou turned as they danced, spinning her as his classical dancing classes came into play.

"I never knew you could classical dance." Y/n smiled, Bakugou frowned.

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice."

"You literally just dipped me perfectly, I would notice."

"I guess."

Sero started moving as the music changed, walking closer to the exit as he picked up a large briefcase.

"Now." Y/n whispered, breaking away from Bakugou and quickly walking towards the punch table to cut off Sero.

She quickly poured the punch, gasping as Sero walked in front of her.

"Alahara! Alahara! She called, Sero turned around confused as she ran towards him.


"It's been so long! How's the baby!" Sero was caught off guard as the briefcase was ripped from his hands as Bakugou easily got away.

"Alahara we need to hang out again! I saw your facebook post on how your going back to college!"

"Sorry I-"

"Oh! Is that your wife!" Y/n asked, Sero, grabbing his wife as she pointed at Jiro sitting at one of the tables as an extra.

Aizawa came over the intercoms as Bakugou walked out the exit, briefcase secured in hands.

"Team fire clouds wins."

Kamanari sighed from behind the bartending table.

"I still don't know why I had to be an extra."

"Me too!" Mina called from behind the Bass on stage.

Bakugou and Y/n fist bumped, as Y/n ran a hand through her hair.

"Nice job guys, I'll have to send you on more training exercises. That dancing was pretty entertaining."

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