Denki - the revolution *sd*

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"The revolution has failed, I repeat the revolution has failed! Don't send backup!" Denki hissed into his walki-talkie, Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Denki we both know that asking Aizawa to round your grades up was pointless." She hissed back.

Denki sighed, rounding the corner to come face to face with Y/n.

"It was worth the shot!" He reasoned.

"Sure it was."

And that was the beginning of the revolution.


Denki stared at the heroes he used to call classmates, glancing down at his black outfit.

"What is wrong with you!?" Y/n screamed pushing her way through the crowd of heroes, running towards him, Bakugou tried to grab her hand, his eyes widening as she slipped through his grasp.

The villains started to advance, stopping when Denki held up a hand.

"Let her come." He whispered.

She stopped a few feet in front of him. Sobbing as he saw how beaten up he was.

"What about the revolution?" She mumbled.

"Hm?" Denki teased.


Denki cleared his throat.

"This is the revolution."

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