Shigaraki - childhood

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Tenko smiled as he watched his best friend roll around in the grass. He was only a child and he had already fallen in love.

Y/n lifted her head from the grass, running over to him, she grabbed his hand freezing as she started to crumble away.


Shigaraki bolted up from his bed, running a hand through his hair.

"That goddamned dream again." He hissed at himself, pushing off of the bed to stand up.

He wandered into the bar, pulling a glass down from the cabinet and filling it with water. He stared at the broken clock on the wall, watching as it ticked.

4:00 am

Shigaraki sighed, setting the drink down and walking back to his room. He lifted father off of his nightstand, staring at it.

He rolled his eyes, setting the amputated hand down as he rolled over on his mattress, trying to fall back asleep.


Shigaraki walked out of the large purple portal, staring at the large mass of people. They all froze, silence washing over them as a few people started to run.

"What never seen a villain attack before?" He snickered at them. They had planned this attack as a distraction.

Everyone sprinted away but a singular person stayed behind, staring straight into Shigaraki's eyes, despite the goons closing in on her.

"Tenko?" Shigaraki's eyes snapped open.

"Wait." He ordered the goons, they all turned to him in confusion, but backed off. Dabi snuck up behind her ready to act if she tried to pull something.

"How do you know my name."

"D-Do you really not know?" She whispered, taking a step forward. Dabi sucked in a breath, raising his hand.

"Of course I know, I just don't believe myself." Shigaraki mumbled.

"Alright what the hell is going on?" Twice interjected, walking towards the pair.

"Y/n... come with me, you guys go burn down a building or something." Shigaraki spoke, calm for once.

The villains around him exchanged glances, shrugging.

Shigaraki led the girl down an alley, stopping at the end, he leaned against the wall, his head hung low.

She awkwardly stood across from him, occasionally glancing up at him.

"How did you know it was me?" Shigaraki finally asked.

"I would recognize those pained eyes anywhere."


Shigaraki sighed as Y/n walked with him towards the villain base, he was walking next to her, but nearly a foot away.

"Tenko, why are you staying so far away?" Shigaraki looked up at her, memories of his childhood flashing through his mind.

"I don't want to hurt you. I may be a villain, but I still have people I care for." He grit his teeth at his own words, looking away as Y/n's mind raced.

She easily stepped forward wrapping her arms around him.

Shigaraki almost pried her off but her knew it would risk hurting her.

"See, I'm okay, you don't have to worry about hurting me."

"I can still accidentally kill you-"

"That doesn't matter. I'm fine right now, why worry?"

"Because I don't want you dead woman!"

"Well I want you happy!"

"ugh, I seriously don't remember you being this difficult."

"Yeah, well, people change. Deal with it. Also, you need a skincare routine, that's the first thing we're dealing with."

"What the'-"


Shigaraki tossed and turned in his bed, glancing over at the door near him, debating going to see Y/n.

He had that damn nightmare again, except she looked like she did now.

He got up walking past her room and into the kitchen, freezing when he saw her.

"Oh hey, didn't think anyone would be up this late." She greeted, never looking up from her book.

Shigaraki's brows furrowed.

"Why are you up so late."

"You apparently also forgot that I never sleep."

"Would explain the eyebags..."


Shigaraki snickered as Y/n huffed walking over to the bar and sitting down across from him as he got a water.

"Why are you up? You love sleep."

Shigaraki hesitated, setting his water down as he leaned against the counter.

"I have nightmares about us."

"I cause nightmares?! That's new..."

"No, it's just- Ugh. I have nightmares where I accidentally kill you."

Y/n paused.

"But you would never do that... Oh! Now would be the time to give you your gift I suppose." Y/n reached into the bag on her hip, pulling out a small box.

"This better not be a cockroach."

"shut up and open it."

Shigaraki glanced back at Y/n one last time, opening the lid of he box an lifting a pair of two-fingered gloves out.

"You have to touch someone with all five fingers right? So why not wear these gloves!"

Shigaraki stared in awe, his gaze shifting between the gloves and his best friend.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"Woah, okay, uh, I love you too, but that was blunt-"

"Shut up and kiss me already."

Shigaraki walked around the counter to Y/n his hands fidgeting before shakily coming to rest on her waist.

"Crusty." Y/n smiled as she leaned into the kiss.

I fucking hate this chapter 0~0

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