Bakugou - Break *Small drabble*

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A/n: I don't really know where I'm going with this.

Quirk: Angel

The loud stomping echoed through the hallways as Y/n made her way to a certain office. People moved out of the way quickly as she glared. She came to a stop in front of the door pounding on it harshly with her fist.

It swung open, a very confused Bakugou looking down at her. She shoved him back into the large room, slamming the door behind her. Everyone in the hallway flinched, exchanging glances as they backed away.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" She screamed, anger radiating off of her.

Bakugou stayed quiet looking down at the floor.

"Huh?! You can't just try and fight a villain by yourself while you wait for back up!" She seethed. He huffed, clearly ashamed of himself.

"I had to run this entire goddamn agency while also teaching classes at U.A. because of you!" She yelled, gritting her teeth.

He looked up at her, sighing as he ran a fingertip across the brace on his wrist.

"Do you know how hard it is to focus on a mission, when you know that Chargebolt of all people, is substituting for you!?" She hissed. Bakugou snorted, holding back a laugh as he imagined a very undisciplined Denki Kamanari tried to teach a very quiet class 1-a.

"God, you would think that man has three braincells!" She groaned pacing across the room.

"My kids wouldn't listen to me because of how 'Mr. Chargebolt doesn't make us do warm ups.'" She mocked, imitating a child's voice.

"I mean were we that stupid when we were in highschool!?" She ranted, turning back to the man. Bakugou smiled, making his way over to her and giving her a hug.

"Missed you too." He whispered.

She sighed, giving into the hug and burying herself in his shoulder.

"I'm still mad at you though." She grumbled poking his side.

He chuckled, patting her head. Her wings fluttered, causing both to pull away.

"Somethings wrong." They said in unison. They quietly opened the door, peeking out into the hallway, they froze as they watched Kamanari and Kirishima walk down the hallway.

"Seriously, I already have to deal with one idiot, now three..."

"Oi!" She ignored Bakugou's annoyed curses, looking up at the clock. She gasped, looking back at Bakugou.

"It's your break."


"Tell them to go away."

"I'm not telling them to-"

"You are going to tell them to go away."

"Fine, I'm telling them to go away."

Bakugou rolled his eyes, pushing her forehead behind him so she was back in the room.

"Hey! Bakugou!" Kirishima called.

"What shitty hair?" Bakugou snarled. Turning towards them.

"We should all go on patrol!" Kamanari suggested.

"Can't dunce face." Bakugou snapped.

"Why not?" Kamanari whined, annoyed.

"Because it's my damn break, now go away." Bakugou growled, opening his door again.

Kamanari and Kirishima huffed, turning back down the hall.

"Did you really have to shove me back like that?" Y/n hissed.

"Babe, you know I can't help it."

"Don't call me that you're at work."

"But I thought I was on break~"

"Oh, shut up!"

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