Bakugou- lipstick

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class 1-a chattered loudly as they waited for their teacher to return, bright smiles on most of their faces.

The door slid open, everyone turning to face the teacher but instead Bakugou walked in, covering his face.

"Bakugou? Are you okay?" Kirishima asked, Bakugou only nodded from behind his hand, sitting down in his seat.

Aizawa walked in not long after, spotting Bakugou.

"Bakugou, why are you covering your face?" The teacher demanded, Bakugou didn't answer only sinking back further in his seat.

"Bakugou. Move your hands." Aizawa hissed, walking closer to said boy.

Bakugou sighed, moving his hands away from his face slowly.

Everyone froze as bright red kiss marks covered his face.

"WHO IS IT?!" Kamanari yelled running over to Bakugou.

Aizawa paused.

"I am also quite curious as to who this person is that can get close enough to even kiss you."

Bakugou didn't answer, gritting his teeth.

"If you're not going to answer at least go wash off in the bathroom."

Bakugou sighed again, walking over to Momo.

"Do you have makeup remover?" he grumbled at the girl, she tried to keep a straight face as she nodded.

Momo forced herself not to laugh, reaching into her bag. She handed Bakugou the small bottle watching as he walked off.

The door slid shut behind him, laughs erupting from the students inside.

Bakugou walked towards the bathrooms, stepping inside and covering a paper towel in the makeup remover.

He finished wiping it off, walking back out of the bathrooms.

A girl walked through the hallways, spotting him and running over with a large smile.

"Katsuki! Wait up!" She called. As she reached his side she looped her arm through his, walking with him.

When they reached the door, she leaned up to kiss his cheek, being stopped by his jerking away.

"You keep forgetting you're wearing that damn lipstick."

"Oh! Sorry, you can just give me a hug?" Bakugou whipped around to face her with a glare.

"I'm not leaving without a kiss." He hissed back, leaning down to kiss her cheek instead.

"Okay, that works. Love you see you later!"

"Love you too I guess." Bakugou turned back to the door freezing when he saw his entire class staring at him through the open door.


This was kinda bad, but the idea was cute.

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