Bakugou - sneaking out *drabble*

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You are All Might's daughter

Quirk: gate, user can create and change existing doorways and openings, (this would be very helpful to access robot code panels and secrets doorways) they got in on recommendation.

Y/n slowly closed her door, avoiding the squeak it usually made, she glanced down the hallways, looking for any teachers.

She crept down the hallway, making her way towards the elevator. She pressed the button, waiting patiently as the light music played. The door opened, allowing her to step in, she pressed the correct floor number,

peeking down the hallway again, she froze as she saw Aizawa's harsh glare at the end of the hall.

"L/n!" He yelled running towards her, she furiously pressed the close door button, nearly fainting as they closed a few inches before him.

She sat down. Processing that her teacher can easily climb stairs.

"Oh shit." She scrambled out of the elevator doors as they opened, glancing over at the stairway door, she activated her quirk, changing the simple door into a large metal one with an industrial lock.

She took a breathe, returning back to her task at hand, she ran over to a certain door, knocking furiously.

"Oi, what the hell do you want it's like 3 am- oh, hey" Bakugou hissed, his tone changing as he saw her face.

"Look, as I was sneaking out of my dorm, Aizawa caught me, so I need you to hide me."

"You were coming over here anyway. You could have texted me, I would have gone over to your dorm, he wouldn't have been so mean about it."

"Just let me in already!" She squeaked as the elevator doors opened, she ran to his closet closing the door as he went back over to his bed, they could hear the furious knocking of Aizawa as he checked each boys dorm.

Bakugou scoffed as he walked over to his door, opening it as the pounding stopped.

"What?" He snapped, acting's tired.

"Is L/n in there? She snuck out of her dorm."

"No, why the hell would she come here?!"

"I suppose your right. Go back to bed, if I find L/n she is so dead!"

Bakugou huffed as he closed the door, opening his closet, she smiled up at him.

"When are we telling them again?"

"You know dad would kill me!"

"Who gives a fuck what the old bastard cares!"

"I do!"

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