Dabi - when comfort turns to crying

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Sam knows where I got this from lol

Dabi sat with his usual resting bitch face on the couch, a beer in his hand. He glanced up noticing the newest team member sitting at the bar, a sly smile on her face as she and Dabi made eye contact.

"So, Ashtray, what's your tragic backstory?" She teased, getting up to sit next to him on the couch.

He rolled his eyes, turning to face her.

"Wouldn't you like to know rookie."

"Hey, I worked as a soloist villain for eight years, I ain't no rookie."

Dabi sighed.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready kid."

"I'm the same age as you!"


Dabi took a deep breath as he knocked on the bedroom door. A small 'come in' was his response, and he took the chance to open the door, silently closing it behind him.

He explained everything to her, his past, his family, the people he's killed, the ways he tried to stop the pain. 


She sat in shock for a moment, staring at him.

"I get it if you hate me, I should go anyways." He got up to leave being pulled back down by the girl, freezing as she wrapped her arms around him.

"W-What?" he whispered, surprised.

She said nothing, continuing to cling to him, bringing one hand to rest on top of his head, almost holding him there.

He was frozen, unable to move.

"A-After everything I've done?"

"No, after everything that's been done to you."

Dabi started to shake, his arms wrapping around her as he broke down in her arms, sobs racking his body. He lifted his head to meet her eyes.

"I-I-" She cut him off with a small kiss to the forehead, comforting him as best as she could.

"I'm sorry for everything he did to you." She whispered, leaning back against the wall as they cuddled on the bed, she comforted him with small words of assurance, occasionally reminding him of his mother and the hope she would forgive him.

He nodded, his face tear stained and puffy. 

"How about, tomorrow, we go and see her? Hm?"

"T-That sounds nice."


Dabi took a deep breath as he glanced at Y/n, who reassured him with a smile.

He opened the door to the hospital room, pausing as he saw the white haired woman turn to face him.


"Hey... I uh, changed since the last time we saw eachother I guess." His voice was ow and quiet but a mother could never mistake a voice coming from her son.

"Touya?!" She cried, shakily getting off of the bed and running to him, hugging him tightly.

"Y-You... you're a villain... oh, I do suppose your father has that effect on people." The woman sighed finally noticing the woman standing in the doorway.

"Is this your girlfriend?"

"Yes..." Dabi whispered.

"She's beautiful! Oh dear, my name is Rei, pardon my disregard for manners."

"I'm Y/n, and you are perfectly fine ma'am."

"Oh please, call me Rei."

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