Bakugou - nightmares

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QUIRK: Angel


Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around. It was pitch black except for a small light above him, illumination a spot to his left.

He looked back at the illuminated spot, his heart sinking as he saw Y/n facing off with the villain Toga. She was wearing the same clothes she was wearing at the training camp.

She was covered in sweat, clearly weak. She tried to throw another halo, her knees giving out as she crumbled to the ground cowering beneath the blonde girl.

"Awwww, you're cute! Guess I have to kill you now!" Toga laughed psychotically , pulling back her arm as she went to stab the other girl.

Bakugou began running towards them, stopping as the light cut out just before the knife entered Y/n's flesh.

Bakugou stopped, his breathing ragged as he whipped around, he looked to his right seeing another spot illuminated this time.

Y/n appeared, passed out at the feet of All for one.

"ah yes, the blonde child's lover." He spoke, his arm firing up with multiple quirks.

"A shame, they seemed happy, that was until now I suppose." AFO spoke, his hand reaching towards her, the light cut out, Bakugou turned again, seeing Y/n fighting a certain Nomu from their first month at UA.

"kill her Nomu, All might is becoming too fond of his students." Shigaraki's voice hissed from the darkness as the nomu picked up the girl.

Bakugou tried to fire an explosion, his quirk not working. He looked down at his palms watching as nothing erupted. The floor crumbled beneath him as he fell into an abyss full of voices.

"Midoriya was destined to be the number one hero."

"You're such a disappointment."

"You will never live up to be great."

"All might chose Midoriya for a reason, you're lucky you even HAVE a quirk."

"You should have never come to UA."

"You might as well give up now."

"Your mother would be so disappointed."

"How can the world trust a MONSTER to be the number one hero?"



"Bakugou." Aizawa yelled, at the boy. Bakugou sat up quickly , his breathing ragged as he shielded his eyes from the light.

"Bakugou. What was that?" The tall teacher asked, his face covered in worry.

Bakugou looked down at his hands watching them shake as large crackling came from them.

His eyes darted around the room as he curled into himself. He was sitting on the couch, after he had fallen asleep after a long day of training.

Aizawa reached out to him, freezing as his wrist was grabbed.

Y/n pulled Aizawa's arm back. Crouching down in front of Bakugou.

"Katsuki." She whispered. He shakily looked up, his eyes widening as he saw her. He let out a shaky sob, covering his eyes again.

"I-I b-better not be d-dreaming!" He hissed at himself. Y/n pushed Aizawa further away.

She slowly put her hand on his knee, rubbing her thumb across the fabric of his jeans.

"Katsuki..." She whispered. He moved one hand, revealing one of his puffy eyes to her.

"I'm here, i'm okay. I'm real, see?" She explained gently, lifting her hand up to ruffle his hair.

Bakugou began crying harder, leaning forward as Y/n wrapped him in a hug. He gripped her shirt tightly, burying his face in her shoulder. She rubbed his back, easily helping him to his feet.

"Do you want to go to my dorm?" She asked, slightly smiling as he nodded into her shoulder.

She grabbed his hand, gently pulling him down the hall towards her dorm. Everyone in the common room watched in awe as he calmed down rapidly, his breathing already back to normal.


She pushed open the door to her dorm, setting him down on her bed.

"Do you want to cuddle or watch a movie?"

"C-cuddle I guess." He huffed, wrapping his arms around her waist as she sat down next to him.

She leaned against her wall, playing with the tips of his hair as he got comfortable.

"woke up in your new apartment, in your twin sized bed..." Y/n sang softly, still playing with his hair.

She sang some more of the song, watching as he slowly fell asleep.

"You've got those big red eyes, drive me crazy..." She sang continuing on with the song as Bakugou's breathing got slower and slower.

She slowly transitioned from singing to a soft hum as her own eyes became droopy. She laid down Bakugou's arms still wrapped around her waist. She soon fell asleep, her hand still resting in Bakugou's hair.


Mina gently knocked on the door of Y/n's dorm, slowly opening it. She giggled as she saw Bakugou and her in her bed.

"Awe, cute, now go back to your dorm." Aizawa hissed from behind Mina.

"Fine....but just one picture." She sneakily adder, pulling out her phone.

Aizawa sighed, also pulling out his own phone as he snapped a picture.

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