Bakugou - Babysitting and caramel apples

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Song you will be humming is above



Should I change the cover photo? if so to what??

Quirk: doesn't matter today bitches (jk you're beautiful and I love all 8100 of you)

Bakugou stayed stone faced he sat down on the common room couch next to Y/n. She snorted poking his side and watching him jump.

"Lighten up! were basically the ONLY ones here!"

"Oh shut up."

"Make me." (bratty bottoms be like-) She teased, poking his side again, he smirked, both of his hands going to her sides as she began to laugh uncontrollably. She tried to push him away, only laughing more. Bakugou finally stopped, letting her begin to breath.

The door opened, Aizawa walking in, Eri in tow.

"Hey Aizawa sensei, did you need something? you're normally not here on weekends."

"Yeah, I'm looking for a babysitter, specifically you." (no this does not correlate with the Aizawa oneshot)

Bakugou raised an eyebrow as Eri ran over to the other couch, pulling out her coloring book. Aizawa explained he had a surprise hero mission, and would be gone for the weekend.

Y/n nodded in understanding as Eri hopped off the couch, walking over to Bakugou to show him her drawing. He smiled, ruffling her hair as he took her over to the fridge to hang it up. Aizawa raised an eyebrow at Bakugou's unusual soft side.

"Is he usually like this around Eri?"

"Well, normally around just me, but yeah, he's like that when its JUST Eri." She responded, gesturing to Bakugou pulling a string cheese out of the fridge and handing it to Eri. Bakugou began pulling down ingredients from the cabinets as Eri sat down to draw again.

"huh, around you too?" Aizawa smirked, earning a glare from Y/n.

"Whatever, just, stay out of trouble, okay?" Aizawa called, turning to the door. Eri waved, running over to Y/n as Aizawa left.

"Come see what me and Bakugou put on the fridge!" She smiled, pulling Y/n's hand.

Eri pointed at the colorful picture, pulled from a coloring book about pro heroes. It was one with a picture of Aizawa, colored in all rainbow.

"It's beautiful Eri!" Y/n encouraged, giving Eri a high five, something Denki had taught her.

Bakugou, stood in front of the stove cooking some vegetables.

"What's for dinner Kat?" Y/n asked, picking up Eri and setting her on top of her shoulders. The white haired girl giggled, playing with some of Y/n's hair.

Bakugou pointed to the recipe book sitting on the counter. He poured the cooked vegetables into a strainer over the sink, pulling out some soba to cook too.

Y/n nodded as she looked over the recipe.

Y/n set Eri back down on the ground, reading the recipe and every few seconds glancing over at the small girl.

Bakugou finished up their dinner, rolling his eyes as Kamanari and Sero, ran out of the elevator and out the door, followed by a very angry Jiro holding a ripped band T-shirt.

Y/n snorted handing Eri a bowl and chopsticks.

Bakugou turned back to the stove, turning it on, he pulled some carmel out of the cabinet dropping it in a pan.

"are you making carmel apples?" Eri asked quietly earning a nod in response.

"Eri did you bring any Pajamas with you?" Y/n asked, setting her empty bowl in the sink.

Eri shook her head.

"Katsuki do you have any extra T-shirts you don't use? Mine are all dirty, Kamanari broke in to my closet the other day."

Bakugou smirked, handing Y/n the key to his room.

Y/n walked out of the common room, over to the boys dorm hallway. Kamanari ran past her, Jiro following once again her earjacks pointed forward as she ran.

Y/n rolled her eyes, stopping at Bakugou's door. She unlocked it, quietly singing to herself as she looked through Bakugou's closet.

"I'm mister loverman~" She hummed, pulling out a black T-shirt, giggling when it had a skull print.

"and I miss my lover, man~" she sang, pulling out another T-shirt, smiling as she saw a small rabbit printed on the front pocket.

She opened up the door, locking it behind her as she walked down the hallway.

She sang some more as she walked down the hallway, ignoring the chaos down the hall.

Jiro had her ear jacks pointed at Kamanari as he begged for mercy on the floor.

Sero was recording as Mina laughed at them.

Y/n walked into the common room, walking past Eri as the white haired girl ate a caramel apple on the couch.

Bakugou was leaning against the counter, also eating a caramel apple.

"I thought you didn't like sweet things?' She teased, setting the T-shirt down as she stood beside him.

"I made something, I have to eat it, that's the rule here, remember." he hissed.

"They are disgusting." he finished.

"Ill eat it if you give me a kiss?" She asked. He looked over at her, pushing himself off of the counter.

"Really? if I give you two kisses will you eat two apples?"

"No, but I'm sure Kamanari will eat one later." She smiled, as his arms slipped around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Fine, but Eri is sleeping in your room." He agreed, finally pulling her into a kiss.

Now go to bed you beautiful badass bitch <3<3<3<3

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