Aizawa - adoption papers and wedding invitations (pt two of 'Eri')

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^^^^ (picture) this doesn't apply to me 😌💅🏻

Kinda based on an adorable tik tok ❤️
I don't really know how adoptions work. So.....


Aizawa paced his room biting his lip out of nervousness.

"Sho, please calm down." Y/n giggled, standing up to take his hand. He stopped gripping her hand as he took a few breaths, trying to calm himself.

She opened her mouth to speak, being cut off by a series of envelopes being slid into the door by the mailman.

Aizawa ran over, flicking through them quickly. He found a certain envelope, ripping it open quickly. His eyes quickly scanned the page getting to the bottom.

He began to smile looking up at Y/n again.

"It went through?!" She asked, walking over.

He nodded, pulling her into a large hug. He sniffed, pulling away.

"Y/n, I have a daughter now!" Aizawa said in disbelief.

"And you're gonna be an amazing dad." She responded, pecking his lips.

~~four years later~~

Aizawa twiddled with the small box in his pocket. He hands were sweaty and he was more nervous than his first kiss.

He had invited Y/n over to his apartment for a 'date' since Eri had gone over to a friend's house for the night.

His eyes snapped to the door as he heard her keys jingle in the door. She'd been using them for years, having been given them in their second year of high school.

He stood up wandering over to the kitchen as he pulled out some of the food he had prepared previously.

Y/n finally opened the door, walking in, a frustrated look on her face.

"What's wrong? Aizawa asked, startling her.

"Geez, you scared me sho!" She chuckled, pecking him on the cheek.

"And there's nothing wrong I think, my keys just weren't working, I'll have to go get a copy." She shrugged, side hugging him as he heat up the water for their meals.

She pulled away, grabbing his kettle, filling it with water and setting on the stove. She walked around him, grabbing his tea from another cabinet.

Aizawa pulled the food off of the stove, pouring it into bowls. He set the bowls at the table, grabbing the chopsticks from one of his drawers.

Y/n finished up the tea, following him to the table. She sat down, bowing, before starting a conversation.

"So, where's Eri tonight?" She asked before putting some food in her mouth. Aizawa blinked, reaching his hand into his pocket again.

"She's at a friends house, some kid named Kota or something." He responded, twiddling with the box in his pocket again.

She nodded, beginning more small talk as they ate, she began a story of how she had fought a certain villain.

"And he's literally nine feet tall, naturally! He's taller than fat gum! Ugh, anyway, what about you?" She finished, looking up at him.

"Well, there was one thing I was hoping could happen..."

"And what's that?" She asked clueless.

Aizawa got up kneeling down in front of her, her eyes went wide, her eyes snapping between his eyes and the box he was holding

"Was you marrying me?" She began to smile, furiously nodding as she crashed into his arms. She rapidly nodded, pulling away so he could skip the ring onto her finger.

He laughed, kissing her forehead as she lightly cried into his chest.


Aizawa sighed as he walked into his classroom, he furrowed his eyebrows as the class payed him no attention.

"Did you hear that L/n sensei got engaged!" Mina whispered to Kirishima.

"I wonder who the lucky person is." Denki whispered to Jiro.

"Shut up, all of you, what's all of the fuss about?"

"Didn't you hear?" Tsu asked.

"L/n sensei got engaged!" Momo finished.

"Yes I knew that but why is it important?"

"Our teacher is getting married, don't you wanna know who she's getting married to?!" Hagakure said in shock.

"It is not work related therefore I do not care."


"Alright class, here is something very important, DO NOT open it until you are back at the dorms!" Y/n exclaimed to the class, passing out a small paper, a few students tried to peek, only having their

"I wonder what it is?"

"What if its a picture of her Fiance!"

"No mina, that would be weird."


1-a gathered in the common room envelopes in hand.

"Alright everyone on three."





You are formally invited to the marriage ceremony between L/n Y/n and Shouta Aizawa.

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