Iida - Laundry

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Quirk: Soul bolt

Iida sighed in frustration as he rummaged through his closet. His face morphed into a frown as he closed his closet door.

"Where could it be?" He asked himself, looking around his room, he gave up, shaking his head as he made his way towards his best friend's dorm.

He knocked on the door, smiling when she opened it.

"Hey mina-" Y/n froze as she stared up at Iida.

He froze as well, a small smile creeping onto his face.

"Is that my shirt?" He asked. She turned bright red, tugging at the hem of the red and green flannel button up.

"No?" She responded, looking up at him again.

"You look cute- I mean, uh, you look very small in my shirt." He fixed himself, watching softly as she smiled at him.

She was wearing, his flannel and a pair of black spandex, the shirt nearly engulfing her.

She let him in ,texting Mina to come over at a later time.

They sat down on the bed together, studying for the English test they had the next day.

Y/n yawned loudly. Quietly apologizing. Iida smiled, at her, opting to put the book away, listening to quiet music instead.

She sat down next to him on the bed, leaning her head on his shoulder, unnoticing of his new-found nervousness. She slowly fell asleep on his shoulder, occasionally nuzzling into him as he sat there stiffly, scrolling through the requirements of the essay for the next day.

"I do suppose this is unprofessional."


Bakugou raised an eyebrow as Y/n smiled a little wider than usual.

"What's gotten you all happy? You finally fucking confessed to four eyes?"


"What? That's the only thing I can think of."

Y/n glared at Bakugou as he laughed at her, before Iida walked over, politely interrupting them.

"How did you get my shirt anyway?" He asked, pulling Y/n off to the side.

"U-Uh, well, so, you know at the camping trip? Yeah uh, I got out of the hot springs early because I was tired and your shirt was just sitting there and it was super tempting and I kind of just reacted." She stammered quickly. Iida smiled to himself.

Y/n blushed again, as Bakugou laughed from the opposite side of the room again. She glared back at him, turning back to Iida.

"I can give it back, sorry."

"No, keep it, you look overwhelmingly cute in my shirts."

She squeaked causing a small laugh from Iida.

"Can I have a second one?"

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