Bakugou and Deku - childhood friend

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Listen to 'The one that got away' by katy perry at the mark of (##)

Requested by: @NshaiGaleallanna

Hope you enjoy the angst!

Oh yeah, Angsty btw


Summer after high school when we first met

Bakugou sat in silence with Midoriya as they thought about their childhood friend.

And on my 16th birthday we got matching tattoos

Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof

Talk about our future like we had a clue

Never planned that one day we'd be losing you

In another life

Midoriya sighed, leaning against the back of the couch as Bakugou fiddled with his fingers

We'd keep all our promises

Be us against the world

In another life

I would make you stay

So I don't have to say you were

The one that got away

Bakugou and Midoriya made eye contact silently nodding as they got up from the dorm couches.

Bakugou and Midoriya walked out silently, unknowingly being followed by a few of their class.

Never one without the other, we made a pact

Sometimes when we miss you we put those records on

They made their way towards a small graveyard standing in front of a smaller grave.

But in another life

We'd keep all our promises

Be us against the world

In another life

I would make you stay

So I don't have to say you were

The one that got away

Midoriya sniffled, glancing up at Bakugou as they both looked down at the grave.

Bakugou sighed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small flower, setting it on top of the grave.

In another life

Midoriya followed suit, placing a small rose next to Bakugou's flower.

We'd keep all our promises

Be us against the world

In another life

I would make you stay

So I don't have to say you were

The one that got away

Bakugou and Midoriya smiled down at the grave their faces falling when they heard noise behind them.

In another life

I would make you stay

So I don't have to say you were

The one that got away

Bakugou sighed as he realized his class had followed, clearly curious as to what shenanigans he and Midoriya were up to.

Iida quietly apologized as the others nodded.

"We are greatly sorry. we did not realize you were in mourning."

Bakugou let out a small breathy laugh, his lip upturning in a small smile.

"Today was her birthday, she always said, if we made it to eighteen, to bring her a rose and a (f/flower) on her birthday."

"We haven't lost the tradition since she died." Midoriya finished, glancing up at his in-tear friends.

"She would have loved you guys."

"c-can I ask how she died?"

"She died three years ago, on this day, she jumped off the roof of a skyscraper, she was almost caught, by a hero, but..."

"She hit the ground anyway." Bakugou whispered under his breath.

"That was the day she told us she was leaving for a while. We had no idea." Midoriya's foot subconsciously tapped against the ground in anxiety.

"She was in the hospital for a few days in a coma, so we got to say our goodbyes, but she didn't make it in the end." Midoriya smiled at the large group as they're heads drooped.

"We were the only fucking ones at her funeral." Bakugou hissed at himself, gritting his teeth.

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