Bakugou - bby *Domestic AU**

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Cuz domestic shit got me soft even though I don't want kids :)

Bakugou sighed as he walked into the door of his small apartment, he set his keys down on the counter as he stretched his arms, his hero costume's grenades slipping off of his wrist as he walked towards the bedroom down the hall.

He quietly opened the door, softly smiling as he saw his wife laying in the bed, he snuck past the bed and into the bathroom, slipping out of his hero costume and into some sweatpants (Grey ofc (: )

He slowly got into the bed his arms slipping around Y/n's waist as his hands gently rested on the large bump her belly made under the comforter.

She smiled in her sleep as Katsuki kissed her forehead, falling asleep soon after.


Katsuki snarled to himself as their two kids ran around the apartment, Y/n chuckled watching as their oldest daughter, Kataia, easily rangled up her younger siblings.

"We should play hide and seek!" Kamaro, their youngest suggested.

"Mommy and Daddy can be the seekers!" Katsuki, flinched as his middle child, Katsumi, offered up their parents as the sacrifice.

"Alright, everyone go hide while Katsuki and I count, okay?" Y/n spoke, watching with pride as all of the children ran in separate directions.

Katsuki slowly began to whisper the countdown as he rolled his eyes.

"Ready or not here we come!" He shouted into the apartment walking down the hallway as he stopped in front of the hallway closet.

Y/n giggled from behind him as he shushed her.

He tip toed towards the door opening it quickly.

"BOO!" He yelled, beginning to tickle Katsumi as she laughed hysterically.

"Alright kiddo now you have to help us find your brother and sister."



Katsuki flopped onto the large bed as a yawn escaped his mouth.

"Let me guess the kids didn't want to go to bed, right?" Y/n teased poking his side, he groaned, his arms wrapping around her waist as she laughed.

"If Kamaro has a nightmare you have to read him a story, I have a mission tomorrow with Denki and Sero of all people." He grumbled, y/n hummed, running a hand through his hair as she read through the page of her book.

Bakugou slowly fell asleep to the sound of her heart beating. Y/n smiled to herself.

"I'll tell him another day." She thought to herself, closing her book as she flicked the switch on her lamp.

Bonus (cuz I felt nice today):

Bakugou rolled his eyes as he walked into his hero agency, dragging an overly stupid Denki behind him as Sero laughed his ass off.

"Take them, I just want to go home to my wife." He hissed at the secretary, quickly walking out the door before the woman could protest.

He quickly got back to his apartment, stretching his legs as he walked into the apartment.

"Ah! Kat, youre home!" Y/n cheered, hopping into his arms as she placed a soft kiss on his lips.

He smiled, hugging her as he leaned his body weight against her. She chuckled.

"You might want to stop doing that for a while, you're going to hurt the baby." She non-chalantly teased, he nodded, quickly pulling away as a large grin spread across his face.


"Hush dear! Kamaro just went to sleep!" She hissed at him, smiling as she handed him the pregnancy test. He engulfed her in a hug.

"What are we going to name it."

"I don't even know the gender yet and you want to name it?"

"Oh cmon woman! Its a baby! I wanna name it NOW!"

"But what if you change your mind later?"

"Then you can finally have that dress you've been wanting for the past, what was it, three months."

"Yes." She fist pumped the air, causing Katsuki to chuckle as he hugged her again.

I was originally going to make a sad AND happy ending but I decided to be nice :)

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