Bakugou - projects

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Bakugou glared at the large chalkboard as his 'friends' snickered behind him. The class had already gathered in their little cliques and Bakugou was still sitting alone.

"For this project you have to have a minimum of one partner, got that Bakugou?" Aizawa hissed at the boy.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, standing up, he walked towards his usual group pushing past Kirishima to everyone's surprise and headed straight towards Y/n.

She looked up, softly smiling at him as he approached.

"Hey Bakugou."

"You're better than shitty hair, be my partner." Bakugou demanded.

Y/n only laughed.

"You know that sounded a lot like when-"

"Don't finish that."


Bakugou snored quietly as he laid on his side, his bed seemingly more soft than usual. Next to him, Y/n was sat upright, working on the presentation, it was nearly midnight and she hadn't felt the urge to go to sleep once.

Bakugou shifted, rolling over to wrap his arms around the nearest object, coincidentally that thing, was Y/n.

She froze when arms wrapped around her waist, looking down to see a peaceful Bakugou, almost kind looking when his usual angry expression wasn't on his face.

She continued to research on the subject, typing with one hand, her other weaved into Bakugou's hair. She pulled her hand out of Bakugou's hair for a split second to type a particularly long word, a small growl coming from Bakugou in return.

"Go the fuck to sleep." He grumbled into her side. Y/n squeaked.

"Sorry, didn't know I woke you up."

"You were fine till you stopped playing with my hair."

"Awww, are you feeling lovey today?"

"Yes, now lay down and fucking cuddle with me."


Bakugou sat up in his bed, sparing one last glance down at Y/n before he picked up his laptop, opening it to work on the project before it needed to be presented that morning. The first light filtered through Bakugou's balcony window nearly an hour later.

Y/n shuffled, rolling over onto her stomach and wrapping around Bakugou's leg like a koala to a tree.

Bakugou had to stop himself from smiling. He sighed quietly, leaning down to peck her cheek softly, watching in satisfaction as she hugged him tighter. He got back to typing on the project occasionally pausing when Y/n moved. He eventually finished the project, laying back down on the bed, his arms wrapping around Y/n tightly.

"I love you."

Y/n mumbled incoherently.

"I love you too."


Bakugou and Y/n stood up as their names were called by Aizawa. Y/n did most of the talking, though she was definitely tired.

Bakugou simply stood behind her, occasionally stepping forward to point out a fact she missed.

Y/n yawned, swaying.

"Alright my turn." Bakugou gently pushed Y/n behind him, letting her lean against him as she basically fell asleep on his shoulder, Bakugou taught about the subject easily.

And surprisingly well.

Aizawa was almost surprised,, as Bakugou calmly talked about the history of the pro hero they were assigned, Nana Shimura.

Bakugou finished, leaving the class awestruck with his calm manner and ability to simplify the subject to the point where even Kamanari and Mina could tell you everything about Nana.


"Great job Bakugou, is L/n asleep still?" Aizawa started, standing up from his desk.

Bakugou nodded, Aizawa opened his mouth to speak again freezing when Bakugou easily swiped his arm beneath Y/n's knees, lifting her into his arms.

"I can either take her back to her dorm or put her in her desk." Bakugou deadpanned, Aizawa sputtered.

"Uh, her, uhm, dorm would be preferable, but it's a pretty long walk Bakugou we can wake her up-"

"Absolutely not."

Lol, bitch you thought. hi Sam :)

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