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A/N: Mentions of attempted assault. Also leave a comment stating what you think of my imagines. Also Hawks real name is Keigo Takami. 

* also curse warning*

It had been four months since 'Hawks' became a 'villain'. 

Your Keigo was a villain.

You couldn't sleep at night it haunted you so much. 

You had dated him for three years.

Three years and it seemingly meant NOTHING to him. He had always been so dedicated to saving those he cared about,

Hell, he skipped your first date to go on a hero mission. But you felt it was fine because he took you on two more.

But you still couldn't believe that he would just... up and leave. He left everything he owned in your apartment too. He didn't even live with you! But it did give you a place to freely find clothing, especially hoodies.

You were on your way home from work, wearing one of Keigo's many oversized hoodies. You would occasionally people watch and see how many creeps were out tonight, you couldn't really blame them, it was already 11:00 PM.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing out here all alone?" 

You froze just as you took another step. you were in the worst possible position for this to be happening. you were standing right next to an alleyway, and he was standing on the opposite side of it, clearly having planned it out. 

He shoved you into the alley as you slowly reached back for the pepper spray in your purse. Keigo had given it to you as a gift. Along with a ring (a weird pairing if you ask me). He said, and you quote,

"It's so you have protection to keep yourself safe when I'm not around! Oh, and the ring looked pretty, just like you so I thought you might like it."

Just as you were about to grab your pepper spray, another person entered the alley.

'great now I'm really screwed.' 

you had your pepper spray in hand and both men were slowly walking towards you, one looked a bit familiar, and the other one was just a random creepo that had nothing better to do with his life.

As they got closer you, your nerves started to rise. you used my quirk on  the original creep to throw him against the nearest building. As you was about to do you same to the second one, he started...


you got into a battle position and narrowed your eyes at the man. Then he stepped into the light where you could see him...


 You knew you should have run when you had the chance.

Second POV:

"Your little boyfriend sent me to get you. Said you could be a 'valuable asset to the team'." Dabi snarled at you. You had fought Dabi before but you had never actually talked to him. Before you could even think he had kneed you in the stomach and knocked you out


When you woke up your head was throbbing in pain. You groaned as you could feel the pain return to your stomach too. You tried to stand up from your quite uncomfortable position on the ground, but were tugged back down by the chains attaching you to the wall.

"Why is she even here? She isn't even awake yet, although I do think she would be REALLY pretty covered in blood." You could hear a female's voice call from outside the door. Your eyes were struggling to adjust to the little bit of light you had coming from the door.

BNHA Oneshots and drabbles Volume -1-Where stories live. Discover now