!high school Aizawa Shouta - bloody nose

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A/n: In this your quirk is Flame dart just like the last Aizawa one-shot. (If you haven't seen the quirk yet go back to that one) You are both first years. There will be dorms in this because *~*~Story plots~*~*

I walked down the hall briskly ignoring all of those around me, my hood was pulled low, covering my face from sight. I swerved past Yamada and his friends, my anxiety growing rapidly.

I could hear a loud 'hey' echo through the hall but I kept a steady pace to my room closing the door and running to my off bathroom.

I grabbed a few cotton balls stopping the blood flowing from my broken nose. There was a knock on my door, I slowly crept over to it, opening it just enough so they couldn't see me.

"L/n, let me in." It was Aizawa, resident 'dad' friend and overall sleepyhead.

I winced, not from pain or anything, just from the thought of what 'dad' out there would do if he found out.

"Hehehe" I laughed awkwardly "Why?" I asked trying to sound dumb and innocent. He rolled his eyes pushing open the door easily.

"First of all I shouldn't have been able to do that, even after training. I know your stronger than me L/n. Second of all your hood wasn't low enough I could see the blood clearly, Nemuri and Yamada didn't cause they were being idiots. Third, you normally come with us no matter what you have going on or at least give us a fricken explanation as to why you can't."

He hooked his thumb under my chin and brought my face up.

"Surprise..." I mumbled trailing off doing jazz hands. Both cotton balls had been completely soaked and my face was still bruised.

"Let me guess your gonna say they were from training?" He asked his thumb leaving my chin dragging me to my bathroom again.

I looked down at my feet summoning a dart to play with. I flipped it between my fingers, a nervous habit I had developed over the years. He put a few more cotton balls in my nose effectively stopping the bleeding better than I had, he put a band-aid on my nose where it had been cut open.

He flicked my nose making me scrunch up and glare at him, weakly punching his shoulder.

He scoffed finishing patching up my arms and legs.

"Alright now tell me what really happened." He demanded clearly unhappy with my excuse. He leaned against my counter staring at me in the stool I was in.

I huffed telling him the story.


I casually walked down the street my earbuds in and my head bopping to the beat. I walked through the sliding glass doors of the small gas station grabbing a bag of (fav flavor) (Chips/crisps) and a (fav drink that isn't tea). I walked around for a little bit looking for anything good to eat that I could bring Aizawa, a-and the rest of my friends hehe. I walked over to the counter just as another person walked in. I turned to see none other than Enji Todoroki, the man I hated most in life that literally wanted to date me for my quirk. I turned back to the counter quickly paying for my food and high tailing it out of there.

I was about three paces into the parking lot when *Gag* Todoroki's hand grabbed my shoulder.

"L/n, may I talk to you." His booming voice echoed through the parking lot. I turned around harshly slapping his hand away.

"No, you may not, please don't ever talk to me again." I responded giving him a death stare.

"Um, excuse me is there a problem here?" The gas station owner asked kindly.

"No, sir I've got this, he just needs to be taught a lesson." I responded with a bright smile that did not match my tone at all.

"Ma'am I'm sorry to inform you but you can't fight him without a license-" I ripped my license out of my pocket handing it to him.

"Believe me, I would know." I said stoically, turning back to the other one.

He lit up in flames, startling the gas station owner who ran back inside.

We brawled for a while, he broke my nose but I had done far worse. bruising almost his entire body and breaking one of his fingers. He passed out after a while. And I left after telling the owner to call an ambulance.


"You have got to be kidding me. You left him in a seven eleven parking lot?!" Aizawa exclaimed, flabbergasted.

I nodded puffing out my cheeks in exhaustion. Aizawa sighed and walked back into my bedroom collapsing on the floor pulling out his sleeping bag.

I whipped off my makeup, grabbed a pair of pajamas (changed in the bathroom you pervs) and collapsed next to him.


I sat down in my seat next to Aizawa, snickering at how he looked. He had a cast on his hand, a black eye, broken nose, and his arm in a sling.

I pulled out my (Fav drink) from yesterday and took a victory sip. All of the girls crowded around him asking if he was ok.

Aizawa had a soft smile, he had gotten a good nights sleep since I was there. Yamada was laughing his ass off after I told him what happened.

He got up and stomped over.

"Worthless piece of shit. Your quirk isn't even that good." He yelled bursting into flames. Mu eyes widened. This was beyond rude and overpowering.

"Hey, don't talk to her that way!" Aizawa snapped using his quirk to extinguish the flames.

He scoffed and stomped off acting like a little kid that had been refused candy.

"Thanks. That wouldn't have ended well if you hadn't of done that." I gave him a wide smile.

He softly smiled back nodding before listening to the argument Nemuri and Yamada were having.

'I guess a fight here and there isn't so bad if it ends up like this'

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