Sero Hanta- Dumb

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A/N: *Warning, this contains self deprecating thoughts and suicidal thoughts*

Your quirk is Eagle. You can see up to 10 miles away, you have 12ft blue wings. You have sharper retractable talons on your fingers that can cut through almost everything.

You are also Hawks sister. So Y/n Takami.

Your hero costume is above. *light swearing*


I sat down in my seat with a huff. Everyone was in their little cliques, but I was alone. I really only talked to Tokayami and Sero. They're cool.

I pulled out my sketchbook and started sketching Sero's face. He was a little bit easier to draw than Tokayami so my sketchbook was full of him and a few of my classmates.

Bakugou started yelling and I sent a rather harsh glare his way. He noticed and stormed over to me.

"Oi! You got a fuckin' problem with me dumbass?!" He screamed in my face. A few of my class mates turned my stoic expression never changing.

'He isn't wrong, I am pretty stupid.' I thought to myself.

"No, you're just the loudest person in class it's hard not to miss your ego." I snarled back.

He was about to use an explosion on me when Aizawa walked in.

"Bakugou. Quit trying to fight L/n. She hasn't done anything. Plus no quirks in class."

"HAH?!" He yelled back.

Eventually Bakugou sat back down and the lesson started. My brain kept wandering back to how right Bakugou was.

'I really am stupid, he's right.'

"L/n, why aren't you paying attention." Aizawa called.

"Sorry sir, I must have spaced out." I responded looking down at my shoes.

"L/n you've been spacing out a lot lately are you okay?" He asked his yes furrowing, every one's eyes turned to me.

"I'm fine sir." 'No, I'm not' I responded again my true thoughts not coming out of my mouth.


I sat at my table. I always sat alone, nobody really cared for me.

"Hey!" I flinched when I heard Sero calling out to me.

I turned to see Sero, Mina, Kirishima, Kamanari and Bakugou walking towards my table.

"Oh, Hi." I whispered back.

"We just came over to make sure you're OK. Aizawa was right you have been spacing out a lot recently. You're also a lot quieter. Normally you sit with Tokayami."

I took a sharp breath in about to say something, but Bakugou cut me off.

"Why are we even over here, this piece of shit isn't even good at anything." I froze, my body stiffening.

"C'mon man, don't be like that Bakugou, L/n sama is great!" Kaminari cut in. It had always bothered me that he called me 'sama' I wasn't a highly esteemed person in my class.

My wings started to und=fold and I covered my face with my hands. My brother always told me not to have a low self-esteem but I really couldn't help it.

"I'm ok, I promise, you can go back to your seats now! I wouldn't want to bother you." I tried to reassure them. They left, well, most of them left. Sero stayed and sat next to me.

"Y/N. What's really wrong?" Sero whispered, gently pushing my wings so they were folded behind my back again. I tried to fight my tears, but in the end I failed. They started to flow and I had to bite my lip to hold back a sob.

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