Bakugou Katsuki - Sign langauge

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!Deaf Bakugou x !Mute Reader

A/N: In this your quirk is soul bolt ( I feel like I use that every time, you should know what that is by now). Bakugou is deaf but has hearing aids. Reader is mute for reasons we will find out ;)

*Light swearing (Cuz y'know- Bakugou)*

Hero costume is above


I looked around anxiously as I walked through the massive hallway's of U.A. I had just transferred from Shiketsu. My hands trembled as I searched for the massive door with '1-a' written on it. I finally reached it and stood patiently beside it. There was loud chatter from inside and I was already nervous as it was.

I soon saw a very scruffy man in black walking towards me, my new teacher, Aizawa. I gave a small nod as he opened the door.

The chatter stopped as everyone stood, bowed, and sat back down again. I stood outside the door while he made his introduction.

"We have a new student. Be nice to her, I'm looking at you Bakugou." Aizawa said sternly. I shuffled my way through the door and went over to the board.

'Hi. I'm (L/N) (Y/N). I'm mute, but we can still pass notes to talk!' I wrote. I walked back to stand next to Aizawa when suddenly a boy stood up. He had spikey blond hair and fiery red eyes.

'Do you know sign language' He signed to me. I was shocked at first but then I noticed his hearing aids.

'Yep." I signed back. I gave a big smile. Aizawa rolled his eyes before pointing me to my seat. I sat two seats behind him. There was a green haired boy in between us.


I couldn't fricken believe it. She knew sign language, and she was really pretty.

I clicked on my hearing aids so I could hear Mr. Aizawa talk. He began the lesson but I couldn't seem to focus. My mind kept wandering to her shit face back there.


I sat with shitty hair, dunce face, soy sauce, and racoon eyes. I had turned my hearing aids off because the idiots were being loud. I could see movement out of the corner of my eye and saw (L/N).

She set her tray down on the edge of the table and signed me asking if she could sit. I nodded and scooted over so she could sit next to me.

We both sat and ate watching shitty hair and dunce face have a competition as to who could eat more rice. I snorted when dunce face passed out and shitty hair threw his arms up in a victory pose.

(L/N) tapped on my shoulder and signed to me.

'Do you know what class we have after this? Also what's your name?' I nodded and signed her back.

'Hero training, and Bakugou Katsuki.' she nodded and then racoon eyes tapped on my other shoulder. I flicked on my hearing aids.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you guys talking about. You're making me nervous you could be planning to destroy the world for all I know!" I smirked and turned back to (L/N).

'that's Mina, we call her racoon eyes though because' I paused  'you know.'  I signed.

(L/N)'s cheeks puffed out as she held back a laugh.

"What did you say?" Racoon eyes begged shaking my shoulders.

"None of your damn business!" I shouted back smirking. I turned to the rest of them.

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