Midoriya - sleeping on my shoulder *SD*

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wattpad is having a panic attack and wont let me add music

Its: Ed Patrick Sleeping on my shoulder

*Gender neutral :)*

Your feet are on the dashboard

My eyes are on the road

I always knew I'd get here

I just thought I'd be alone

Midoriya glanced over at Y/n as they slept in the passenger's seat of the car, he was officially number one hero, but he knew that title wouldn't last long.

There's no turning back now

This love has just begun

He fiddled with the ring in his pocket, nervously sweating as they hiked up the small hill he occasionally glanced behind him, wondering if he should turn back. He slapped himself.

But when you're sleeping on my shoulder

Dancin' in a dream

It feels like getting older

Ain't as scary as it seemed

When you're sleeping on my shoulder

Dancin' in a dream

It feels like getting older

With you is what I need

Midoriya set down the picnic basket as Y/n spread the large red and white blanket. A small smile spread across his face as he remembered why he fell in love.

I've never, no I've never been

So sure of settling

Midoriya took a deep breath as he got down on his knee.

But when you're sleeping on my shoulder

Dancin' in a dream

It feels like getting older

Ain't as scary as it seemed

When you're sleeping on my shoulder

Dancin' in a dream

It feels like getting older

But when you're sleeping on my shoulder

Dancin' in a dream

It feels like getting older

Ain't as scary as it seemed

When you're sleeping on my shoulder

Dancin' in a dream

It feels like getting older

It feels like getting older

With you is what I need

Midoriya smiled as he watched y/n vigorously nod. They crumbled into his arms, sobbing as he slipped the ring on their finger.

"I love you."

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